of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.

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From crisis to opportunity: Digital solutions for a sustainable economic recovery

CECIMO will organise a high-level videoconference “From crisis to opportunity: Digital solutions for a sustainable economic recovery” on 25 February 2021, from 10:45 to 12:15 i

Online Education – Transforming the Teaching and Learning of Digital Skills

During COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of digital skills and online education has...

Skills for a modern and digital working environment

Alongside the current challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, business and public administration are confronted with the challenges of the 3Ds almost simultaneously: diversity,...

EU Joint Action on Rare Cancers recommendations towards implementing the Rare Cancer Agenda 2030

We are happy to invite you to our next public event: “EU Joint Action on Rare Cancers (JARC) recommendations towards implementing the Rare Cancer Agenda 2030”&...

EPRA Virtual RED 2021 Nordic Update

Please join us for a great opportunity to hear latest results from the participating companies and their outlook for the region in the coming year.

Working conditions and social protection for diverse forms of work – the case of online talent platforms

As the European Commission prepares a proposal for a legislative initiative on improving working conditions for platform workers, the World Employment Confederation-Europe brings...

New Work: new or old normal? – The modern working environment in public administration

In recent months, many organisations in business and administration have noticeably shifted away from a predominantly ‘presence culture’ toward more flexible working hours and

Liberal Breakfast: join us to discuss disinformation

We are happy to invite you to the first Liberal Breakfast event of the year, in coordination with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Europe.

Cancer prevention in the 2020s - finding sustainable solutions

Scope of the conference:...

14 Million Reasons to Discuss Life after Cancer: Implementing the Right to be Forgotten across Europe

On 19 February 2021 from 10:30 – 12:30 (CET), an online event entitled “14 Million R

Launch of the European Public Sector Award (EPSA) 2021

EPSA 2021 Application process is now open!

Submit your innovative project to EPSA 2021 by 3rd of May at 24.00 CET.


An Urban Renewal: The Role of European Cities in our Future

For decades, the social and economic role of cities has steadily increased.  Cities are financial hubs, accounting for at least 70% of the world’s GDP, while also being res

Webinar: Building Information modelling (BIM) supports digitalization of standards for the Construction sector. First elements on Building Information Modeling (BIM)

The digital transformation of the built environment involves the digitalization of business processes, business data and strategic information.

Big Tech and Free Speech


Offshore Wind in Europe 2020: Key trends and statistics free webinar

Join us for the Offshore Wind in Europe 2020:...

10-10 webinar: Standardization requests – State of play

The webinar intends to provide an update concerning the new blueprint for the future Standardization requests and the state of play of the upcoming Standardization requests that were discussed at CoS.

Tutorial: EU Law For Non-Lawyers (Full Course)

This three-day course will provide you with a concentrated, in-depth introduction to the legal system of the EU and the most important principles governing the adoption and enforcement of EU law.

Strengthening the EU’s Security of Supply: The Way Forward in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to strengthen the security of supply within the EU.

Masters of Digital 2021

eVision – Accelerating Fleet Electrification
