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Tue 10 SepFree Press Forum | BrusselsThe Brussels community is invited to welcome a new i [...]
Wed 11 Sep
Fri 20 Sep
Tue 24 SepEnergy Storage Coalition | BrusselsWorskhop on Methodology for Flexibility Needs [...]Energy
Thu 26 Sep
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Events of the week
Institut Français de Recherche pour le Développement Durable
Growing Media Europe AISBL
International Association for Democracy (IAD)
European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Airlines for Europe AISBL
Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen bei der EU
- A political earthquake, what East German elections mean for the future of democracy in the country
- Draghi’s pitch to save green growth
- Draghi urges member states to adhere to ambitious defence industry reform
- Lack of productivity growth ‘existential challenge’ for Europe, Draghi report says
- Polish authorities take down Belarusian and Russian cyber-espionage group