15.00 – 15.10 Opening
Gabi Zimmer, President GUE/NGL
Mikael Gustafsson, MEP GUE/NGL and Chair of FEMM Committee
Austerity is killing in Portugal; the real face of the rescue programme
Thursday 11/10/12, 10:30 Room PHS 0 B01
In addition to the institutional issues, beyond the street demonstrations expressing discontent and resistance, in addition to the speeches, there is a reality in Portugal that remains ignored by European peoples.
We are currently over 1 million three hundred thousand unemployed from a population of 10 million.
Every day the number of people without access to health care and unable to purchase medicines is growing .
Every day the number of families without access to water is growing.
Every day a growing number of families have to relinquish their homes to the banks, while continuing to pay the loans.
At the same time, legislation has been changed to allow rents to be increased.
Freedom of information is compromised, either through the sale of public channels or by drastic cuts in funding.
Repression is increasing. The suicide rate is growing.This is a reality that needs to be known and publicised.
A Austeridade está a matar em Portugal, a face real do programa de resgate
Para além das questões institucionais, para além das manifestações de resistência e descontentamento, para além dos discursos, há uma realidade em Portugal que tem permanecido ignorada pelos povos europeus.
Somos neste momento mais de 1milhão e trezentos mil desempregados, numa população de 10 milhões.
Todos os dias cresce o número de pessoas sem acesso aos cuidados de saúde e sem capacidade para adquirir medicamentos.
Todos os dias cresce o número de famílias sem acesso à agua canalizada.
Todos os dias cresce o número de famílias que entrega as suas casas aos bancos, continuando contudo a dever as prestações dos empréstimos.
Ao mesmo tempo, altera-se a legislação para permitir o aumento do valor dos arrendamentos.
A liberdade de informação é posta em causa, quer através da alienação de canais públicos, quer pelos cortes drásticos no financiamento.
A repressão aumenta. A taxa de suicídio cresce. Esta é uma realidade que precisa de ser conhecida e divulgada.
GUE/NGL press contact: Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628
15.00 – 15.10 Opening
Gabi Zimmer, President GUE/NGL
Mikael Gustafsson, MEP GUE/NGL and Chair of FEMM Committee
‘Restarting the SME credit market in Europe:
what role for securitisation and the capital markets?’’
Hosted by Othmar Karas, MEP
“Understanding Corruption in the EU: the Policy Dimension”
in the European Parliament (P7C050),
Entrance Altiero Spinelli side Place Luxembourg
The European medical on-call service number 116 117 was fi rst introduced in Germany in 2012. To date more
than three million patients have benefi ted from its non-emergency medical assistance service. First steps
Towards a European Democracy:
Isabelle DURANT, Sylvie GOULARD, Andrew DUFF, Jo LEINEN,
When: THURSDAY, 21 March, 10.00 - 10.30
Where: Room ASP 5G2, European Parliament, Brussels
With: Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms and Green MEPs José Bové and Bart Staes
At its General Affairs meetings, the Council deals with subjects that cover numerous EU policy areas, such as negotiations on EU enlargement, preparation of the Union's multi-annual budgetary outlook or institutional and administrative issues.
On the occasion of the second anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster
When: Monday, 25 February, 11.30 a.m.
Where: Room ASP 05G02 European Parliament, Brussels
Air pollution in airports
Event date: 31 Jan 13 - 31 Jan 13
A challenge for the working environment - solutions and successful cooperation
HEARING "Priorities of sustainable development of Dnipropetrovsk region (Ukraine) - pilot area of dynamic interregional European cooperation. Energy efficiency, Ecology, Local self-government development"
January 30th, 2013
29 January 2013, 12:30-15:30
Centre for European Studies, Rue du Commerce 20, Brussels
Recognition of the Palestinian State
29/01/13, 10:00-12:30
When: Thursday 24 January 2013 @ 10.30 - 11.00
Tobacco lobbying at the EU Commission and the Dalli controversy - Greens to outline call for new ethics and transparency rules
When: Wednesday, 9 January 2013, 10.30-11.00
Session Press Briefing
Tuesday 11/12/12 @14h30, EP Press Room
Participating MEPs
From Tough Reforms to Eurozone Membership:
Latvia’s Road to Growth
The Reality of modern piracy: daily threat and lasting trauma
Exclusive screening on 5 December 2012 at 17.45 in the european Parliament