The MobiliseSME Final Conference "The Future of a Mobility Scheme for SMEs and their Employees in Europe" will be the occasion to present the findings of the MobiliseSME pilot scheme for the mobility of employees of SMEs in Europe.
Challenging Corporate Power
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Event Description
Investment and impunity in an era of crisis. Advancing a new regulatory regime for Transnational Corporations and Investment Towards An International Peoples’ Treaty. GUE/NGL initiative. 5.9.2013
This Round Table aims to deepen the debate on Corporate Impunity, and introduce key elements in emerging alternatives to Reclaim the Public Interest and to end impunity of Transnational Corporations. Some of the primary topics of discussion will be: the creation of an International Peoples' Treaty; the Call for a World Court/Tribunal on Transnational Corporations and Extra Territorial Obligations (ETOs); and a European Parliament register for lobbyists. Concrete proposals for the European Parliament and civil society joint actions in 2013-2014 will also be discussed.
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The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung
hereby invite you to the next
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The Great Recession and the European debt crisis have reignited the debate about deeper fiscal integration in the Eurozone. Supporters of further integration argue that fiscal risk sharing is necessary to increase the resilience of the European economy against macroeconomic shocks.
The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) and the New European Business Confederation (UNITEE) in collaboration with the European Movement International and KYM International invite you to the next CESI@noon event on
Policy Debate
Organised by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology