• Reform of CEAS
• External dimension of crisis management
• Asylum-seekers with special needs
Language: English
Organiser: Dr Karine Caunes (ERA)
Event number: 417R05
We are excited to launch our upcoming anthology “The Crisis and Future of Democracy”. Join us for a panel discussion with authors from the volume and Marisa Matias MEP, exhibition and evening reception.
When: 7 November 2022, 6pm
Where: Atelier 29, Rue Jacques de Lalaing 29, 1000 Brussels
Democracy is in a crisis. Or is it? Societies are acknowledging once again that inequality, precarity and lack of recognition for broad swathes of the population are hurting democracy. Calls for democratic regulation of key sectors are picking up. Demands for participation, inclusion, equality and redistributive justice for those affected by political decisions are gaining currency. The public is taking to the streets to fight the socio-economic fallout of multiple “crises” for which it is bearing the brunt.
Today’s movements for democratic renewal and “real” democracy, for a democratisation of all sectors of society, including the economy, take their cue from the democratic mobilisation that emerged in the wake of the global financial crisis some 10 years back. Put into practice by the Indignados of Spain and the solidarity initiatives in Greece, horizontality, inclusivity, solidarity and, at times, a transnational outlook shape today’s demands for democracy on the left.
What lessons can we learn from these movements? What role for democracy in progressive mobilisation in Europe today? How can we succeed in democratising institutions and processes? How can the left mobilise in times like these? What lessons to draw with a view to the 2024 elections to the European Parliament?
6:00pm: doors opening, registration and welcome drink
6:30pm: welcome remarks (Anna Schröder Head of Office, Ada Regelmann, project manager)
6:45pm: panel discussion “The Future of Democracy and the role of the Left”
Facilitation: Dr Ada Regelmann
8:30pm: standing dinner and drinks reception, exhibition of illustrations from the volume
10:00pm: end of reception
Contact: Ada Regelmann| ada.regelmann@rosalux.org | +32 (0) 2 781 0760
• Reform of CEAS
• External dimension of crisis management
• Asylum-seekers with special needs
Language: English
Organiser: Dr Karine Caunes (ERA)
Event number: 417R05
Oceans cover more than two-thirds of our planet. They are rich in resources and provide people with food, energy, and a stable climate.
60 Years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, Europe is not a pretty sight. The UK is leaving after a guest performance of 44 years; populism and Euroscepticism prevail in many Member States; the days of an ‘ever closer union’ seem to be numbered.
This year’s seminar builds on the 2016 ISC science-for-development seminar, which helped to advance the agenda for Europe-Africa cooperation, especially in the science field.
To find out more, please visit http://www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu/withafrica
An analysis presented by academic experts from the United States of America
Brussels 08/01/2016