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Defining sustainability standards for powerfuels
Mon, 10/28/2019 - 16:00 to 20:00
Rue Montoyer 47
Climate & Environment
Event Location
Event Description
With the ongoing debate on the importance of powerfuels for the European energy transition, a key requirement for market development is to define clear sustainability standards. The RED II provides some indication, but also mentions their exact meaning may not be defined until the end of 2021.
Our Brussels Brief will gather the relevant stakeholders to discuss the challenges of defining sustainability standards for powerfuels. So far Laurent Schmitt (ENTSO-E), Nils Aldag (Sunfire), Agnes Herdick (Uniper) and Dr. Chris Malins (Cerulogy) have been confirmed as speakers.
It will also aim to identify consensus along with open questions in this matter. This discussion is vital for the development of commercially viable gaseous and liquid energy carriers and feedstocks being produced from renewable electricity with power-to-x technologies.
To ensure that your perspective is counted, we cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
Monday, 28th October 2019, 4pm to 8pm:
Brussels Brief: Defining sustainability standards for powerfuels Venue: Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union (Rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium)
Please register here:
After the Brussels Brief, we will be holding an evening reception with Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive of the German Energy Agency (dena), beginning at 6:00pm. Among other experts, he will give an overview of the necessary steps for the evolution of powerfuels as the upcoming third pillar of the European energy transition.
You will find a detailed agenda here:
Do you want to be included in the Global Alliance Powerfuels speaker’s database - or are you looking for a partnership with the Alliance? If so, you can also contact us individually at
About the Global Alliance Powerfuels
In September 2018, the German Energy Agency (dena) initiated the Global Alliance Powerfuels together with renowned corporate partners as founding members. All partners are united by the common goal of advancing the development of sustainable markets for powerfuels. Further details about the Alliance and its activities can be found at
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----------- UPDATE: CHANGE OF START TIME --------------
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