Energy for Europe - Looking Beyond 2020
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Event Description
Hosted by Repsol, This half-day event will focus on the long-term future of Europe’s energy policy paying special attention to resource access and competitiveness. Is the EU ready to face increasingly pressing energy challenges coming up in the next few decades? What are the most critical factors to watch for beyond our borders? Can European companies continue to compete in such a globalised market? These are some of the questions speakers from the European Parliament, European Commission, EU Presidency, agencies and think tanks will try to answer. Keynote speaker: EU Climate and Energy Commissioner, Mr. Miguel Arias Cañete Panel debates: • The geopolitics of energy: Can Europe safeguard viable and stable access to resources? • Strengthening a competitive and resilient European energy sector. Moderator: Jacki Davis Please contact event@energyforeuropebeyond2020.eu if you would like to participate.
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Confirmed speakers include Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner for Climate Action & Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, Kaja Kallas MEP, Krišjānis Kariņš MEP, Claude Turmes MEP, ENTSO-E's Bente Hagem and Ben Voorhorst, and many more.
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Polish
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This event is jointly organised by CEDEC, Eurogas, European Biogas Association, Gas Infrastructure Europe, GEODE, GERG, Hydrogen Europe, Marcogaz and NGVA Europe.