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EU Covenant of Mayors Ceremony


Thu, 02/22/2018


Hemicycle of the European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60
B-1047  Brussels



Event Location


Event Description

As the Covenant of Mayors will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2018, and with the 2020 milestone coming closer, you are invited to the Covenant Ceremony and Investment Forum to be held in Brussels.

ceremony hashtag

The Covenant of Mayors Ceremony is a political event that since 2008 has gathered the Covenant of Mayors Community. It will showcase how local governments develop integrated climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, transport or lighting, make greater use of renewable energy, and brace for climate hazards.

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At this ceremony, mayors will explore how those achievements can be scaled up to help meet or exceed the EU energy and climate objectives. They will have the opportunity to network with EU decision makers and relevant stakeholders taking part in the world's largest energy and climate initiative of its kind.

Ceremony programme

9:00-12:45, European Parliament

> English
> italiano

Side-events programme

15:00-16:30, Committee of the Regions

Session 1: Energy efficiency with Bertrand Piccard (Solar Impulse) & Speed dating with innovators
Session 2: Building on local climate and energy for transformative EU action
Session 3: Smart cities: let’s make it happen! From stories to implementation - FULLY BOOKED
Session 4: Make climate adaptation a profitable investment for your city! - FULLY BOOKED

Online registration

Practical information

Please make sure to get on site early as the security checkings may delay your access to the Hemicycle.
Timing, venue, lunch, side-events...: Click here to dowload the practical information PDF.

Events of the week