European Automotive Forum 2016: Driving Connected Cars Into the Future
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The 2016 European Automotive Forum, organised by FEBIAC with the support of ACEA, will be held on Thursday 14 January 2016.
'Connected cars' seems to be this year's buzz-word, what are we talking about and what are the societal challenges that need to be addressed?
The European Automotive Forum (EAF) is a biannual event benefiting from its unique setting amid the European Motorshow Brussels, close to the beating heart of the European Union. The 2016 edition of the EAF brings European policymakers and decision makers from the automotive sector together to debate the latest issues and developments.
After a successful 2012 EAF on 'Individual Mobility in EU Cities by 2030', and the well-received 2014 theme that focused on 'What will the European automotive industry look like in 2020?”', this year’s EAF will be dedicated to connectivity technology and its unique role and position of the automotive sector. Connected technology has become a real driver for increasing productivity, with a strong societal dimension to it as well. New V2X communication models have emerged and the internet of things offers great potential for both the industry and infrastructure managers.
Some call these developments disruptive, others see them as an evolutionary step.
- Violeta Bulc, European Commissionner
- Paul Timmers, director DG CONNECT
- Claire Depré, HoU DG MOVE
- MEP Philippe De Backer
- Dutch EU Presidency
- Detlev Mohr, Mc Kinsey & company
- Jacqueline Galant, Belgian Minister of mobility
- Dominique Leroy, CEO Proximus
- Steve Phillips, CEDR
- Olle Isaksson, Ericsson
- Stephan Hönle, Bosch
- Thierry Willemarck, FIA
- Gerrit-Jan Riemer, Opel/Onstar
- Christian Ress, Ford
- Ababyomi Otubushin, BMW
- Gaël Colin, PSA
- Martin Kristensson, Volvo cars
- Daniel Fesler, Baker & McKenzie
- Hermann Meyer, Ertico
- Frank Försterling, Continental
- Erik Jonnaert, ACEA
- Joost Vantomme, FEBIAC
- Thierry van Kan, FEBIAC
- Luc Bontemps, FEBIAC
Click here for more information.
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