The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
Science Rules!
Meet Star Trek Actors and ESA Astronauts
With the participation of:
W. Koening (USA), StarFleet Commander- Pavel Chekov from Star Trek
A. Kuipers (NL), ESA Astronaut , Longest - European stay in orbit
A. Glover (UK), First Chief Scientific Advisor to Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso
F. De Winne (BE), ESA Astronaut, First European Commander of the International Space Station
Hosted by Katarina Nevedalova MEP (S&D)
and Vice President Aexander Alvaro (ALDE)
Join the debate - Help inspire young Europeans
18 October 16:00-18:00 JAN 4Q2
Please RSVP on our webform:
The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
In an era of digitalization, people are going to count even more. They interpret big data and exercise judgment.
Join us to discuss innovations in business and the impact of technology on professionals!
Press Freedom in a Digital World:
The value of Copyright
Media Briefing: EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2017- 19