The event Europe+Canada, organised by EurActiv Germany in cooperation with the Nickel Institute, the WirtschaftsVereinigung Metalle and the Embassy of Canada in Berlin, will focus on the following topic:
Raw Materials Supply
What can Germany and Canada learn from each other?
Securing a reliable supply of raw materials is a concern for many countries, including Germany. Canada is a leading exporter of raw materials. It is our hope that the discussion in Canada’s Embassy in Berlin on the production and supply of raw materials will shed light on various opinions, goals and expectations and encourage public debate on the issue.
The following key questions are intended to guide the discussion:
- What new opportunities could emerge for businesses and investors in Germany, Canada and Europe when the CETA agreement comes into effect?
- Are existing EU measures, such as the Raw Materials Initiative, and the German Raw Materials Strategy sufficient to secure the raw materials supply from Canada and other international markets?
- Can bilateral initiatives between businesses, industrial sectors or governments in the two countries complement EU measures? Or are the former perhaps even more efficient?
- What role do Business Relationships play in relations between Canada, Germany and the European Union?
- Canada and Germany are leading in the development of technologies and innovations at different stages along the value-added chain. What can the two countries learn from each other?
Preliminary program:
18:00 – 19:00 Registration, reception and drinks
19:00 – 20:30 Panel discussion
Opening speech:
- H.E. Marie Gervais-Vidricaire, Embassy of Canada
- Tim Aiken, Nickel Institute
- Patrick Chevalier, Natural Resources Canada NRCan
- Dr. Thomas Gäckle, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- Dr. Dierk Paskert, Resource Alliance
- Thomas Franke, Publisher
20:30 – 21:30 Networking dinner
If you want to take part in this workshop, please fill in
this form before the 23. November.