The authority of EU law — do we still believe in it? TRIER, THURSDAY, 19 OCTOBER 2017
13:00 Registration of participants
Plenary session
Languages: English, French and German (with simultaneous interpretation)
14:00 Opening ceremony — Introductory speeches — Musical entertainment
Chair: Josef Azizi
14:45 Inaugural lecture:
What is the “authority” of the law? Compliance and acceptance as preconditions or as constitutive elements?
Joseph H.H. Weiler
PART 1: Law-making and the role of courts
15:30 Panel discussion:
The impact of legislation on the authority of EU law
Chair: Lord Tyre
17:00 Panel discussion:
The authority of EU law — a view from Constitutional and Supreme Courts
18:30End of the first day
19:30Reception: Viehmarkt-Thermen
PART 2: Current challenges regarding compliance with and enforcement of EU law — the authority of EU law at risk
Parallel working sessions: Topic A, Topic B, Topic C
Language: English
Chair: Marc van der Woude
9:00 Keynote address:
Reliability and enforcement of EU law — a necessity for citizens, businesses and the law itself
Hans-Jürgen Hellwig
10:00 Break
10:30 Panel discussion:
Challenges to the Single Market
12:30 Lunch
Languages: English and German (with simultaneous interpretation)
Chair: Peter-Christian Müller-Graff
9:00 Keynote address:
Completing vs. rethinking the EMU?
Federico Fabbrini
10:00 Break
10:30 Panel discussion:
The need to complete the EMU
12:30 Lunch
Languages: English and French (with simultaneous interpretation)
Chair: Yves Kreins
9:00 Keynote address:
Article 7 TEU and the Rule of Law mechanism — a dissuasive weapon or a paper tiger?
Inger Österdahl
10:00 Break
10:30 Panel discussion:
The rule of law crisis in the EU and beyond
12:30 Lunch
Plenary Session
Languages: English, French and German (with simultaneous interpretation)
PART 3: The crisis of the European project undermining the authority of EU law — the EU in search of legitimacy
Chair: Wolfgang Heusel
14:00Keynote address:
Brexit — symptom of the EU’s legitimacy crisis or just a British problem?
Paul P. Craig
Panel discussion:
The crisis of the European project
16:30 Break
17:00 Closing lecture:
The Court of Justice of the European Union as the guardian of the authority of EU law — a networking exercise?
Koen Lenaerts
17:30 End of Congress
19:00 Gala Dinner
[1] http://www.era25.eu