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Updated: 7 min 43 sec ago

Slovakia wants to be bridge between Azerbaijan and EU, Fico says

Wed, 2024-05-08 05:17
Slovakia wants to act as a bridge between Azerbaijan and the European Union, said Prime Minister Robert Fico as he made his first trip outside the EU since his re-election last year, visiting Azerbaijan in the hope of supporting the Slovak economy and strengthening bilateral relations.
Categories: EurActiv

EU hits out at sidelining of Chad election observers

Wed, 2024-05-08 05:16
The European Union on Tuesday (7 May) condemned Chad's failure to allow nearly 3,000 civil society members financed by the EU to observe the presidential election.
Categories: EurActiv

Puigdemont to return to Spain after Catalan elections, doesn’t rule out separatist alliance

Wed, 2024-05-08 05:12
Former Catalan president and leader of the right-wing separatist party JxCat, Carles Puigdemont, confirmed on Tuesday that he would return to Catalonia after the regional elections even if the police arrest him, as he did not entirely rule out a possible alliance of ideologically opposed separatist forces.
Categories: EurActiv

One in three Portuguese won’t vote in EU elections

Wed, 2024-05-08 05:09
A survey has found that around a third of Portuguese voters do not intend to vote in the European elections, citing a lack of available information about the various electoral programmes.
Categories: EurActiv

Italy bans NGO planes from using airports close to migrant routes

Wed, 2024-05-08 05:02
Italy said on Tuesday (7 May) that planes used by charities to track migrant boats in difficulty would no longer be able to fly from airports on the islands of Sicily, Pantelleria and Lampedusa that are close to the shipping routes.
Categories: EurActiv

Realising the potential of HTA Reform [Promoted content]

Wed, 2024-05-08 05:00
The HTA Regulation was intended to streamline how the value of medicines is assessed, but by overburdening the process, it risks making patients wait for new therapies. Now is the time to come together to ensure we can realise the potential of the EU HTA reform for patients.
Categories: EurActiv

Italy’s Meloni in Libya to further expand cooperation on migration

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:59
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni insists on tackling migration by increasing cooperation with North African countries as she visited Libya’s two rival administrations on Tuesday, while human rights activists call for Italy to stop financing Libyan militias.
Categories: EurActiv

Denmark and Sweden agree on joint Baltic defence cooperation

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:57
Denmark and Sweden have decided to strengthen their defence cooperation, including joint procurement of military equipment and cooperation in the Baltic Sea region, with Danish and Swedish defence ministers Troels Lund Poulsen and Pål Jonson signing a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday.
Categories: EurActiv

Berlin hints at insistence of Serb association in Kosovo before CoE membership

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:54
The German government is likely to insist on the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities in north Kosovo before giving the ‘ok’ for the country to join the Strasbourg-based human rights organisation, the Council of Europe according to comments given to Euractiv.
Categories: EurActiv

Romanian president ‘open to discussion’ on sending Patriot system to Ukraine

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:46
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday (7 May) he was open to discussing sending a Patriot missile system to Ukraine after German appeals to European Union and NATO member states to bolster Ukraine's air defences.
Categories: EurActiv

Germany eyes harsher punishments in response to attacks on EU campaigners

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:41
After a string of assaults on EU election campaigners. German interior ministers vowed on Tuesday (7 May) to introduce harsher legal consequences for attacks on elected officials.
Categories: EurActiv

Global renewables approach 30% share in 2023, on the back of solar, EU leadership

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:30
Renewables made up 30% of power generation in 2023 for the first time ever, a global analysis by clean energy think-tank Ember has found – putting green power on track to displace coal.
Categories: EurActiv

China’s Xi to woo close ally Hungary with more investment

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:30
On the last leg of his European tour in Hungary, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday (8 May) is expected to tighten ties with Budapest, its closest ally in the European Union. After Paris, Xi’s visits to Belgrade and now...
Categories: EurActiv

Has the G7 hammered the last nail into coal’s coffin?

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:30
Coal is the worst. If accounts for a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. Every year, anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite do significant damage to the worst damage to the climate. Are we finally getting out?
Categories: EurActiv

China’s Xi Jinping visits Serbia on anniversary of 1999 NATO bombing

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:24
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Serbia on Tuesday evening (7 May) escorted by MIG-29 jets in a tightly secured visit coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of China's embassy in which three Chinese journalists were killed.
Categories: EurActiv

European Parliament’s defence committee caught in political cross-fire and bargaining

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:00
The future of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) has become the source of horse-trading between several political groups, with some arguing the institution would lack the competencies and skills for its upgrade.
Categories: EurActiv

Agrifood: Biggest climate change contributor, urgent investment needed

Wed, 2024-05-08 04:00
A recent report from the World Bank highlights that middle-income countries are leading contributors to global emissions from the agrifood system. The study underscores the urgent need for investments in reducing agrifood emissions.
Categories: EurActiv

Banking, financial sector groups lay capital markets priorities for next EU mandate

Wed, 2024-05-08 03:59
A group of banking and financial sector firms urged the next European Commission and Parliament legislators to introduce measures to boost supply and demand for market assets, helping the bloc's economy compete with the US.
Categories: EurActiv

Collapse of EU-China political ties more dangerous than trade decoupling, top think tank chief warns

Wed, 2024-05-08 03:45
The main danger facing EU-China relations is not a collapse of trade relations but rather a deterioration of political ties that would hamper the global effort to combat climate change, the head of a leading European think-tank told Euractiv in an interview on Tuesday (7 May).
Categories: EurActiv

EU Socialists try corner EPP into vowing far-right isolation

Wed, 2024-05-08 03:36
EU Socialists are trying to pressure the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) into signing a declaration ruling out any collaboration with the far-right after the centre-right’s ambiguity on possible coalitions after June’s EU elections and existing alliances with the far-right at the national level.
Categories: EurActiv



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