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Updated: 57 min 38 sec ago

De Croo, Meloni, Sunak condemn shutting down of hard right meeting in Brussels

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:09
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo condemned the local mayor’s decision to shut down an event gathering European hard right leaders in Brussels on Tuesday, alongside counterparts from Italy and the UK, leaving the door open to the event.
Categories: EurActiv

EU’s Jourová and team ‘amused’ by Fico’s goat analogy, decline to escalate

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:06
EU Commissioner for Values and Transparency Vera Jourová and her team “were amused” by Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico’s comments saying she “loves” his government “like a goat loves a knife”, the press office of Jourová who took over the Slovak rule of law file from EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders temporarily, said on Tuesday.
Categories: EurActiv

Czech Social Democrats bank on EU elections for party revival

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:05
Long below the electoral threshold and currently without seats in the national parliament, the Czech Social Democracy Party (SOCDEM) hopes the European elections in June will lead to a revival.
Categories: EurActiv

Eurobarometer: Citizens increasingly interested in EU elections, prioritise defence

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:04
Europeans citizens are showing a growing interest in EU elections, have a more positive outlook on the European Parliament than ever before, and speak favourably of enhanced EU defence policy, Eurobarometer’s latest figures, released on Wednesday (17 April), reveal.
Categories: EurActiv

Madrid outraged at Basque far-left refusal to call ETA group ‘terrorist’

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:02
The far-left separatist party EH-Bildu, favourite to win the Basque elections next Sunday, and the ruling socialist party PSOE (S&D) clashed on Tuesday after the former refused to describe the now defunct Basque group ETA as “terrorist”.
Categories: EurActiv

Spain to oblige regions accept a ‘fair distribution’ of migrant children

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:01
Spain will soon implement a mandatory distribution of immigrant minors to all the country's regions to relieve the great migratory pressure on the Canary Islands, with hundreds of people arriving every year from the coasts of West Africa.
Categories: EurActiv

The EU Must Seize its Opportunity to Inspire, Not Regulate, Innovation [Promoted content]

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:00
New leadership must determine which policies can help Europe balance sustainability and competitiveness by reaping the benefits of innovation at a time of acute global challenges. The next mandate must ensure technology-driven businesses can thrive in Europe while upholding the Union's fundamental values.
Categories: EurActiv

Sweden’s Eurosceptics want EU-wide prisoner redistribution

Wed, 2024-04-17 05:00
The new Swedish Eurosceptic list for the European elections, Folklistan, led by MEP Sara Skyttedal (EPP), intends to push for an EU directive to ease sending convicts to serve their sentences in other EU countries’ prisons.
Categories: EurActiv

Over 500 Polish people hacked via Pegasus under PiS rule – official sources

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:56
As many as 578 people, including opposition politicians and possibly prominent figures from the then-ruling camp were being monitored via the Pegasus spyware under the previous conservative government’s rule, Polish Justice Minister and Attorney General Adam Bodnar said on Tuesday.
Categories: EurActiv

EU to start work on expanding Iran sanctions, Borrell says

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:56
The European Union will prepare to expand its sanctions on Iran in response to Tehran's attack on Israel, EU top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Tuesday (16 April) after an emergency video conference of the bloc's foreign ministers.
Categories: EurActiv

Italy ready to send peacekeeping troops in event of Palestinian State formation

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:55
Italy is considering deploying its peacekeeping forces as part of its strategies to de-escalate the situation in Gaza and if a Palestinian state is created with the support of other nations, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani (Forza Italia/EPP) said on Tuesday.
Categories: EurActiv

Letta to recommend creation of EU Deep Tech Stock Exchange

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:41
Europe's stock market are plagued by problems that prevent deep tech startups from getting the funding they need, Letta wrote.
Categories: EurActiv

Georgian police clear protesters against foreign agent bill

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:37
Riot police in Georgia waded into demonstrators and cleared them from around part of the ex-Soviet state's parliament on Tuesday (16 April) as lawmakers debated a bill on "foreign agents" that the opposition denounces as authoritarian.
Categories: EurActiv

‘A huge, huge, huge mistake’ Teresa Ribera warns against rejecting Nature Restoration Law

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:30
Spanish Vice-President and Ecological Transition Minister urged EU countries to save the beleaguered Nature Restoration Law, in an exclusive interview with Euractiv in Brussels on Friday 12 April.
Categories: EurActiv

Avoiding grid expansion gridlock

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:30
Hello and a big welcome to our new subscribers from Liquid Gas Europe, the Ministry of Foreight Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina, Vetenskapsrådet and more. Euractiv’s Green Brief brings you a roundup of energy and environment news from...
Categories: EurActiv

‘Sorbonne II’: Is Macron preparing a new speech on Europe?

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:20
Making the rounds are rumours that France’s Macron may be preparing a new speech on the future of the EU, akin to his 2017 ‘Sorbonne speech’ – but no one knows for certain what it will contain.
Categories: EurActiv

New fund to balance future EU enlargement impact needed, Letta report says

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:00
With some EU member states and sectors likely to be exposed more than others by the European Union’s future enlargement rounds, a new fund is needed to compensate for imbalances, according to a draft report by former Italian prime minister...
Categories: EurActiv

Letta gives way to Commission’s push to create common defence market

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:00
The EU defence market must be more integrated, create champions, get access to cash and give the Commission overseeing powers, Enrico Letta’s audit says, going fiercely against member states’ protectorship.
Categories: EurActiv

Everything you need to know about Brussels’ most controversial conference

Wed, 2024-04-17 04:00
Far-right leaders from across Europe will gather in Brussels today for the National Conservatism Conference after the event was evacuated by the police on Tuesday following a shut-down order by the socialist mayor of Saint Josse.
Categories: EurActiv

Letta: ESMA should supervise largest market players

Wed, 2024-04-17 03:50
The EU’s markets watchdog should start taking on the supervision of the bloc's largest financial sector firms and oversee the creation of a pan-European IPO venue for small and medium businesses, Enrico Letta will tell EU leaders
Categories: EurActiv



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