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Updated: 18 min 24 sec ago

US officials question if easing Ukraine weapons restrictions would pay off

Sat, 2024-09-14 05:00
As the US and Britain discuss allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike deep within Russia, some US officials are deeply skeptical that doing so would make a significant difference in Kyiv's battle against Russian invaders.
Categories: EurActiv

Nine European countries protest against IMF resuming missions to Russia

Sat, 2024-09-14 04:46
Nine European countries protested on Friday (13 September) against the International Monetary Fund's plans to resume missions to Russia, saying it would damage the reputation of the Fund to resume dialogue with a country that has invaded another.
Categories: EurActiv

Austria’s biggest utility company to ditch Russian gas from 2025

Fri, 2024-09-13 16:10
The state-owned heat and gas provider for Vienna, Wien Energie, will avoid purchasing Russian gas and ensure none is sold to its customers from 2025, according to a statement on Friday (13 September).
Categories: EurActiv

New Dutch government unveils toughest asylum reform in history

Fri, 2024-09-13 15:57
The new programme of the Dutch cabinet under Dick Schoof reflects the tough migration stance from the coalition agreement, outlining a comprehensive plan to radically reform the asylum system of the country and to pursue an opt-out from EU migration policies.
Categories: EurActiv

European Commission presents member states sanctions renewal options to unlock Russian frozen assets deal

Fri, 2024-09-13 14:45
The European Commission on Friday (13 September) presented member states with options for extending the timeframe of the bloc's sanction regime against Russia to unblock a Russian frozen assets deal for Ukraine. However, an agreement on the matter looks far off.
Categories: EurActiv

The Brief – Commission Crunch

Fri, 2024-09-13 14:31
The timeline for establishing the next European Commission looks increasingly tight: the question is not whether it will be late - it will be - but how much pressure lawmakers will be under to greenlight new commissioners.
Categories: EurActiv

European citizens initiatives in agrifood, risk of fatigue? 

Fri, 2024-09-13 14:29
Initiatives related to agriculture, food and, in particular, animal protection and welfare account for an important share of European Citizens' Initiatives (ECIs). Seven of the 10 initiatives the Commission has had to respond to so far under the EU's participatory mechanism fall into these categories.  
Categories: EurActiv

Europe’s urgent search for finding 5% of GDP for investments

Fri, 2024-09-13 11:26
Former European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghi urged member states to boost investments by 5% of their GDP to address Europe's challenges but to do this, the Union must put aside political battles over public debt and financial market regulation and focus on keeping investment within the EU.
Categories: EurActiv

Commission scores double wins at top EU court, Draghi on tech

Fri, 2024-09-13 11:23
The EU Commission scored two big wins against Big Tech at the EU's top court, Draghi threw his weight behind tech-enabled productivity in his reporter on Europe's future.
Categories: EurActiv

Slovenia holdup threatens more EU Commission delays

Fri, 2024-09-13 10:38
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's unveiling of how she intends to distribute jobs to the next team of EU commissioners could be delayed yet again, due to political gridlock in Slovenia.
Categories: EurActiv

A Letter for the Future of Packaging [Promoted content]

Fri, 2024-09-13 10:00
Beverage cartons play a crucial role in our daily lives, offering unique functionalities that support a resilient food supply chain while being low-carbon and recyclable, writes Annick Carpentier.
Categories: EurActiv

Venezuela recalls Spanish ambassador after Madrid’s accusations against Maduro’s regime 

Fri, 2024-09-13 09:41
Venezuela has recalled its Spanish ambassador to Caracas for consultations this Friday (13 September) following Spanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles's (PSOE/S&D) declarations of “persecution” and “limitation of fundamental rights” against political opponents in the Maduro regime. 
Categories: EurActiv

‘Reward those who serve our planet’: Von der Leyen floats ‘nature credits’

Fri, 2024-09-13 09:26
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today (13 September) called for a new financial tool to reward nature protection, which takes inspiration from the EU's carbon trading scheme.
Categories: EurActiv

Google may fall short on EU digital competition rules on travel and hospitality

Fri, 2024-09-13 09:22
Google's efforts to fully comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) remains insufficient, travel and hospitality organisations attending two European Commission workshops this week, told Euractiv.
Categories: EurActiv

Finance Bill 2025: France slashes development aid by 18% to curb deficit

Fri, 2024-09-13 08:56
The French draft budget, prepared over the summer by the resigning government, proposes an 18% cut to official development assistance (ODA) to tackle a soaring public deficit, raising concerns among NGOs and political leaders who warn of the impacts on international aid.
Categories: EurActiv

Russia expels six British diplomats it accuses of spying and sabotage activity

Fri, 2024-09-13 06:20
Russia's FSB security service said on Friday (13 September) it had revoked the accreditation of six British diplomats in Moscow whose actions it said showed signs of spying and sabotage work.
Categories: EurActiv

China, Russia chide West at annual security forum in Beijing

Fri, 2024-09-13 05:59
Chinese and Russian defence officials on Friday (13 September) took swipes at the West at a military diplomacy forum in Beijing, with China pitching to the Global South and Russia saying the United States was shifting military conflicts to the Asia-Pacific.
Categories: EurActiv

Greece offers cash benefits, tax breaks to reverse falling birthrate

Fri, 2024-09-13 05:29
Greece outlined measures to boost its lagging birthrate on Thursday (12 September), from vouchers and childcare benefits to tax breaks for new parents, although experts questioned the plan's effectiveness.
Categories: EurActiv

German CDU calls for trial period for border rejections

Fri, 2024-09-13 05:21
In today’s edition of the Capitals, find out more about the German opposition leader suggesting a trial period for border rejections, the Socialist group in the European Parliament softening its stance on the Italian executive vice-president pick, and so much more. 
Categories: EurActiv

Ukraine says Russia used strategic bombers to hit grain vessel near Romania

Fri, 2024-09-13 05:08
Ukraine accused Russia on Thursday (12 September) of using strategic bombers to strike a civilian grain vessel in a missile attack in Black Sea waters near NATO member Romania, escalating tensions between Moscow and the military alliance.
Categories: EurActiv
