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Updated: 51 min 28 sec ago

Tech in the next Parliament; rules on addictive design, but weakened push for market integration 

Fri, 2024-06-07 11:28
Welcome to Euractiv’s Tech Brief, your weekly update on all things digital in the EU.
Categories: EurActiv

EU budget spending needs serious re-thinking, OECD second-in-chief warns

Fri, 2024-06-07 11:03
Before talking about new sources of income for the EU budget – known as ‘own resources’ – the EU should assess the efficiency of its current spending, Fabrizia Lapecorella, the deputy secretary-general of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, said this week.
Categories: EurActiv

In Paris, Ukraine’s Zelenskyy draws parallel between D-Day and Kyiv’s fight

Fri, 2024-06-07 10:15
Calling for greater unity of the international community, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday (7 June) drew a parallel between the Allied D-Day landings in Normandy and Russia's war in Ukraine.
Categories: EurActiv

A Thought Leadership conversation with Ángeles Romo, Director of SQM Lithium Ventures. [Advocacy Lab Content]

Fri, 2024-06-07 10:00
Lithium is a key component in the manufacturing of batteries for electric cars and was recently added to the EU’s list of critical raw materials considered essential for the manufacturing of electric car batteries, mobile phones, and laptop computers.
Categories: EurActiv

EU Commission tells member states to move with Ukraine, Moldova negotiation frameworks

Fri, 2024-06-07 09:50
The European Commission said on Friday (7 June) that both Ukraine and Moldova are sufficiently ready for the formal opening of EU accession talks.
Categories: EurActiv

Moscow blames US for ‘deaths of Russian women and children’ in Belgorod

Fri, 2024-06-07 09:30
Russia alleged on Friday (7 June) that Ukraine had used US-supplied rockets to kill women and children in a region of southern Russia, and said that Washington was to blame.
Categories: EurActiv

A malnourished democracy feasts on itself 

Fri, 2024-06-07 08:19
Half of the world votes this year and growing polarisation, alienation, nationalist self-interest, and growing popularity of undemocratic leaders cast a worrying shadow. Democracy and the world find themselves in gridlock, writes Pedro Conceição.
Categories: EurActiv

Sinn Féin ambitions face reality check at Irish local and EU elections

Fri, 2024-06-07 06:34
Sinn Féin's ambitions of governing Ireland for the first time and advancing a bid for unity with Northern Ireland are facing a potentially huge setback in local and European elections on Friday (7 June) as their commanding poll advantage melts away.
Categories: EurActiv

Macron warns EU could be ‘blocked’ by big far-right parliament presence

Fri, 2024-06-07 06:09
French President Emmanuel Macron warned Thursday (6 June) that the EU risked being blocked by a big far-right presence in the European Parliament after this week's elections.
Categories: EurActiv

Pro-Palestine supporters disrupt von der Leyen speech in Porto

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:39
The speech by President of the European Commission and candidate of the European People's Party for a second term in office at the European Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen, was interrupted in Porto by dozens of demonstrators in support of the Palestinians.
Categories: EurActiv

Rome: Putin’s rapprochement with Italy remark targets EU elections

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:38
In today’s edition of the Capitals, find out more about the many Bulgarians who believe in conspiracy theories, Spain joining South Africa's case against Israel before the ICJ, and so much more.
Categories: EurActiv

Macron announces fighter jets delivery to Ukraine, mulls sending military instructors

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:36
France will deliver Mirage 2000 fighter jets to Ukraine and train pilots over the next six months, according to President Emmanuel Macron, who made announcements on Thursday.
Categories: EurActiv

How consumer protections can be enhanced in e-commerce

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:30
This week, together with Marco Scialdone, a lawyer and adjunct professor of law and management of digital content and services at the European University of Rome, we delve into the impact of the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA).
Categories: EurActiv

Russia, China wrangle with US over UN resolution on Gaza ceasefire plan

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:19
Russia and China, which hold veto powers in the UN Security Council, raised concerns on Thursday with a US draft resolution that would back a proposal - outlined by President Joe Biden - for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants Hamas.
Categories: EurActiv

Polish candidate: Green Deal’s communication was Commission’s ‘biggest mistake’

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:06
Failing to communicate the Green Deal properly was the current European Commission’s “biggest mistake”, Joanna Kamińska, an EU elections candidate for the Polish Greens, told Euractiv.
Categories: EurActiv

Romanian government pushes for mandatory language tests for regaining citizenship

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:03
Regaining Romanian citienship could soon involve passing a compulsory language exam, according to a new government bill amending the country's citizenship law to stamp out potential abuses, which was submitted to parliament on Thursday.
Categories: EurActiv

EU leaders have failed to tackle child sexual abuse crisis online

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:00
The next EU Parliament needs to act quickly and decisively to end the crisis of child sexual abuse material found online, legislation for which has stalled, writes Sabine Saliba.  
Categories: EurActiv

Impact of EU sanctions on aluminum would be disastrous for Europe’s industry

Fri, 2024-06-07 05:00
Currently in Brussels, a new set of sanctions against Russia is being considered - the 14th round of sanctions since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in early 2022. There are no good ideas for new economic measures against the Kremlin, but this does not justify the pursuit of bad ideas, writes Naike Gruppioni.
Categories: EurActiv

Survey finds 70% of Bulgarians believe in conspiracies

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:59
Seventy per cent of Bulgarians believe in conspiracy theories while 37% have fallen foul of misinformation according to a recent survey.
Categories: EurActiv

Russia arrests French scholar suspected of collecting intelligence

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:54
Russia said on Thursday (6 June) it had detained a Frenchman suspected of gathering information about the Russian military, an incident French President Emmanuel Macron described as part of a campaign of disinformation by Moscow.
Categories: EurActiv



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EU Representation Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
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Embassy of the republic of Korea
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