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Russia arrests French scholar suspected of collecting intelligence

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:54
Russia said on Thursday (6 June) it had detained a Frenchman suspected of gathering information about the Russian military, an incident French President Emmanuel Macron described as part of a campaign of disinformation by Moscow.
Categories: EurActiv

Spain joins South Africa’s World Court case accusing Israel of genocide

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:52
Spain will join South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip to help restore peace in the region, in a diplomatic move that comes days after Madrid, along with Ireland and Norway, recognised Palestinian statehood.
Categories: EurActiv

Christophe Grudler – the European Parliament’s nuclear man

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:45
Since his election in 2019, liberal French MEP Christophe Grudler has become the figurehead for nuclear power energy in the European Parliament. Euractiv spoke to the Renew lawmaker, who is running for a second term in the Parliament. 
Categories: EurActiv

Rome: Putin’s rapprochement with Italy remark targets EU elections

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:45
Russia is trying to influence European elections and divide the West, Italy's Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani warned on Thursday, as Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed hope to focus on restoring relations with Italy once the situation in Ukraine is "normalised".
Categories: EurActiv

Outgoing EU parliament transport chair Karima Delli talks trains, planes and automobiles

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:22
Set to bid farewell to the European Parliament after three successive terms, French Green MEP and chair of the Transport Committee Karima Delli told Euractiv that the biggest achievement of her time there is bringing transport high on the agenda.
Categories: EurActiv

Potential far-right supergroup: How far apart are ECR an ID?

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:03
While talks about the two far-right forces in the European Parliament, the ECR and the ID, merging into a supergroup have surfaced in recent months, the two groups are miles apart on many of the most salient issues.
Categories: EurActiv

Energy and environment files on the campaign trail

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:00
It is often argued that EU policy debates are detached from the everyday lives of European citizens and that European Parliament elections are fought on national and local issues. But the 2024 election campaigns were different.
Categories: EurActiv

The Netherlands kicks off the European elections

Fri, 2024-06-07 04:00
The European elections have officially started. Yesterday, around 44 percent of Dutch citizens went to the ballot to cast their vote. We’re here with the latest polls, projected seats, and all the highlights from last night.
Categories: EurActiv

Voters’ fears dominate German EU election campaign

Fri, 2024-06-07 03:54
Fears surrounding war, social security, and the far-right have dominated Germany's EU election campaign, as parties have responded with remarkably uniform messaging about protecting peace and security, eyeing national elections.
Categories: EurActiv

European election exit poll: Socialists-Greens win in the Netherlands

Thu, 2024-06-06 19:30
The green-social democrat shared list has scored the highest number of seats in the Netherlands, with the far-right PVV just behind, according to the exit poll.
Categories: EurActiv

EU rules on e-fuels threaten to create ‘CO2 tourism’

Thu, 2024-06-06 16:04
German Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP/Renew) warned against "CO2 tourism", as EU rules for renewable fuels could lead to liquified CO2 from Europe being shipped to other parts of the world to produce e-fuels for the EU market.
Categories: EurActiv

The Brief – Remembering D-Day and its legacy to Europe

Thu, 2024-06-06 14:20
Today’s 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings is an opportunity to remember a great military victory against the Nazis but also - on the day European elections start - an important reminder to voters of the values that were fought for, which become the basis of the EU.
Categories: EurActiv

Policy Triangle on the PPWR – short version [Advocacy Lab Content]

Thu, 2024-06-06 14:05
In this first discussion, supported by ACE, we delved into the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWR).
Categories: EurActiv

The upcoming battle over telecoms deregulation

Thu, 2024-06-06 13:48
Reforms of the telecom sector are expected to be at the top of the policy agenda for the next EU mandate and a battle is already heating up over the need to deregulate it.
Categories: EurActiv

US ‘will not walk away’ on Ukraine, Biden promises

Thu, 2024-06-06 13:41
US President Joe Biden gave a heartfelt speech at Thursday’s (6 June) commemorations of the Normandy landings, bringing the “dark forces” of 80 years ago to those threatening Ukraine and the West today on an equal footing.
Categories: EurActiv

Can the West undo Russia’s malign campaign in Armenia?

Thu, 2024-06-06 13:30
Often-overlooked developments in Armenia show how Western policymakers are failing to recognise and counteract the growing sophistication of Russia’s propaganda machine, writes David Grigorian. David Grigorian is a senior fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and a former...
Categories: EurActiv

ECB starts cutting rates, but warns on inflation

Thu, 2024-06-06 13:26

Frankfurt, Germany, June 6, 2024 (AFP) - The European Central Bank made its first interest rate cut since 2019 Thursday, reducing borrowing costs from record highs, but gave few clues about its next move while warning of continuing inflation pressures.

The key deposit rate was lowered a quarter point to 3.75 percent, after the central bank had kept borrowing costs on hold since October.

After an unprecedented streak of eurozone rate hikes beginning in mid-2022 to tame runaway energy and food costs, inflation has been slowly coming down towards the ECB's two-percent target.

Thursday's cut, the first since September 2019, will provide a much-needed boost for the beleaguered eurozone economy.

The move marks the ECB diverging from the US Federal Reserve, which has also hiked rates aggressively but is not expected to start cutting for months due to stronger-than-expected data.

With Thursday's cut widely expected, all eyes are on what happens next, after recent inflation and growth data for the 20 countries that use the euro came in stronger than anticipated.

In an updated forecast, the Frankfurt-based institution hiked its inflation forecasts for this year and next. It no longer expects inflation to hit its two-percent target in 2025, as previously expected, but rather to come in at 2.2 percent.

It also raised its growth forecast for 2024, although lowered it slightly for next year.

While noting that "the inflation outlook has improved markedly", the ECB said in a statement that "domestic price pressures remain strong as wage growth is elevated, and inflation is likely to stay above target well into next year".

It reiterated typical language that it would "keep policy rates sufficiently restrictive for as long as necessary" to hit its inflation target, and that it would take a "data-dependent" approach to is decisions.

Decisions would be based on the inflation outlook, it said, while adding that the rate-setting governing council "is not pre-committing to a particular rate path".

- No rapid easing -

Thursday's cut is unlikely to herald the start of a rapid easing cycle.

ING economist Carsten Brzeski said "sticky inflation will limit the room for additional rate cuts and the ECB's statement also doesn't give away any hints at the future path of the ECB".

Investors will be keenly watching to see if ECB president Christine Lagarde provides any guidance about the pace of cuts going forward in her post-meeting press conference.

Despite consumer price rises having slowed from peaks of over 10 percent in late 2022, when Europe was rocked by an energy shock, bringing inflation down to the ECB's target is proving difficult.

Data last week showed that inflation in the 20 countries that use the euro rose in May, and faster than expected -- to 2.6 percent on year, up from April's 2.4-percent increase.

The eurozone economy also expanded faster than expected in the first quarter as it emerged from recession, although it is still slow compared to the robust growth of the US economy.

The chances of another cut at the ECB's next meeting in July are now viewed as low.

Instead, many analysts believe policymakers are hoping to reduce rates every other meeting -- so once a quarter, as the bank meets every six weeks -- at the same time as they release their regularly updated projections.

This view was strengthened by recent comments from Dutch central bank chief Klaas Knot, a member of the ECB's rate-setting governing council, who said rates would be reduced gradually with a focus on quarterly meetings.

In the United States, stronger-than-expected data pushed back expectations of when the Fed -- which holds its next meeting on June 11-12 -- will begin reducing borrowing costs, fuelling speculation the ECB might also stay its hand.

But eurozone rate-setters have stressed they plot their own course.

There are nevertheless concerns if the ECB cuts faster than its US counterpart, as this could lead to a depreciation of the euro and fuel inflation by pushing up the cost of imports into the eurozone.


ING Groep

Categories: EurActiv

D’Hondt worry, there’s much more political game after the vote! 

Thu, 2024-06-06 12:44
On Monday 10 June, the day after the EU elections, the Parliament's political groups will rush into recomposing themselves to divide money and top jobs. The tricky part? They must follow the almighty d’Hondt law which is set to award the far-right a chunk of the Parliament's influence pie.  
Categories: EurActiv

French players see EV battery recycling opportunities but face regulatory hurdles

Thu, 2024-06-06 12:14
As electric vehicle continue their rollout, Euractiv spoke with several French industry players looking at battery recycling to capture and re-use critical raw materials.
Categories: EurActiv

Pro-EU parties should ‘Europeanise’ election campaigns to combat far-right, analysts say

Thu, 2024-06-06 11:52
Pro-EU parties are ceding political space to far-right Eurosceptic groups in their European election campaigns by failing emphasise the EU's positive impact on ordinary citizens, experts say.
Categories: EurActiv



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