of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.


Company Description

ENISA- defending the future

Every day we experience the Information Society. Interconnected networks are touching our everyday lives, at home and at work. It is therefore vital that e.g. computers, mobile phones, banking, high-tech cars and the Internet are functioning, as they constitute the "Digital Economy". That is why ENISA is working with Network and Information Security for the EU and the Member States.


  • Is a Centre of Expertise for the EU Member States and EU Institutions in Network and Information Security, giving expert advice and recommendations
  • Is a switchboard of information for best practices
  • Facilitates contacts between the EU-institutions, the Members States and the private business & industry actors

ENISA consequently contributes to modernising Europe and securing the smooth functioning of the Digital Economy and the Information Society.



Events from this company

The kick-off event and conference of the European Cyber Security Month-ECSM- brings together the public-private stakeholders in Europe. Their examples of cooperation are singled out as good practices, in order to be inspire followers in the entire community.

Events of the week


ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - EUROPE
Officer, Office Management
European Milk Board
Managing Director (m/f/x)
EBA - European Biogas Association
Technical and Project officer
European Gas Research Group (GERG)
Communications Officer
Personal Assistant
European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Policy Officer
Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE)
Junior Policy Adviser