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About The European Business Summit


Tue, 05/13/2014 - 22:00 to Wed, 05/14/2014 - 22:00


EU Priorities 2020

Event Location


Event Description

This year the European Business Summit (EBS) will look at “The Business Agenda 2014–2019: Rebuilding a Competitive Europe”, and will allow European business leaders to present their priorities, looking towards the European elections.


Speakers of EBS 2014 include James C. Cowles CEO EMEA of Citigroup and Laurent Freixe CEO of Nestlé EuropeEuropean Commissioners such as Michel Barnier and Karel De Gucht, but also Director Generals in the person of Jonathan Faull (Internal Market and Services) and Jean-Luc Demarty (Trade).

In collaboration with BUSINESSEUROPE, the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB) and their strategic partner Accenture, EBS will publish a study on the digital transformation of the European economy.

This study will be based on a survey presenting the insights of 500 CEOs into future growth and opportunities for European businesses. 

The summit is:

  •         Focused on encouraging business leaders to engage more with EU policy makers.
  •       European in terms of business speakers and participation in order to develop a real pan-EU business dialogue.
  •       Dynamic in the issues it tackles and its associated studies/surveys.

The European Business Summit will take place at Palais D’Egmont in Brussels on May 14th and 15th 2014.

To register for this year’s EBS, please visit:



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