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The contribution of the Joint Action on Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC JA) to building capacity for cancer prevention


Tue, 11/30/2021 - 16:00 to 17:30




Health & Consumers

Event Description

The webinar will take a look at opportunities and challenges of cancer prevention, based on the findings of the iPAAC Joint Action report and meetings. It will also give examples of latest capacity building online initiatives.
Dr Schüz from IARC, and Ms Lipponen from Cancer Society of Finland will be the chairs of the webinar.

The Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer (iPAAC) Joint Action, which has been selected for funding under the Third Health Programme (2014–2020), brings together 44 partners from 24 European countries. It aims to build upon the outcomes of previous EPAAC and CANCON Joint Actions and is coordinated by the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia (NIJZ). The iPAAC Joint Action has officially started on 1st April 2018 and will last for three years.


Co-organised by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL), Cancer Society of Finland (CSF) and Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), with the participation of German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Commission.

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