Copyright reform for libraries
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The debate around copyright reform has been heating up over recent months in anticipation of an official reaction from the European Parliament. The JURI Committee Rapporteur (and MEP Library Lover) Therese Comodini Cachia MEP aims to release her Draft Report this month.
A lot is at stake for Europe’s 65,000 public libraries, not to mention other cultural heritage institutions and research organisations. Together with our partners, Public Libraries 2020 presents a debate on the impact of copyright reform on the sector. We will discuss how copyright reform can make a difference to allowing access to libraries’ digital collections on the premises, cross-border document supply between libraries and making available out of commerce works to the public.
For more information, visit www.publiclibraries2020.eu. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to hannah[at]readingandwriting.eu.
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