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Cyprus reunification: a moment(um) not to be missed?


25 May 2016 18:30 to 20:00


Science14 Atrium
Rue de la Science 14-B

Event Type

L - Conference, forum


Justice & Home Affairs

Event Location


Event Description

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and the Centre for European Progression (CFEP) have the pleasure to invite you in a debate about the possible reunification of Cyprus.

Cyprus reunification: a moment(um) not to be missed?

We are most pleased to invite you to participate in an evening discussion on the issue of the possible reunification of Cyprus. Our aim is to examine and analyse the reasons why Cyprus is closer now than ever to a viable solution. The role of the EU and Turkey, in addition to the technicalities of the political process, will also be covered.

The purpose of the conference is to provide the audience “food for thought” as well as some insights about the effect of the reunification on the European Union.  Impacts on the wider region and on the prospects of a European future for a reunited Cyprus will also be addressed. A reunified Cyprus would mean modified weights and checks and balances of member states in the European institutions (EP, Council qualified majority, etc.) and it would create a different security environment in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

A few years ago, who would have imagined that the reunification of Cyprus could be a realistic possibility? This historic opportunity and momentum must be seized.   This time   the negotiations are Cypriot-led and the two “Limassolian” leaders have full ownership of the process.

After all, does Cyprus have a chance to bring an end to 42 years of division in 2016

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