Digital Financial Services: from theory to practice, Emerging Markets in the wake of Digital Financial Inclusion
Event Location
Event Description
In 2014, the ITU, a specialized agency of the United Nations, set up a dedicated Focus Group to develop a global roadmap on Digital Financial Services. Its objective is to help countries around the world capitalize on digital and mobile technologies in their efforts to increase access to basic financial services. It is the first time that an organisation has sought to deliver an international framework of recommendations to help regulators and governments in emerging markets to advance financial inclusion. It is about to conclude its work. As the process moves from theory to implementation, the ITU, in association with FTI Consulting, has the pleasure of inviting you to an event to discuss what has been achieved and how business can take its recommendations forward.
Register here: http://info.fticonsulting.com/dfsevent-register
Why should you come?
· First time an international organisation will have developed a global framework of recommendations to drive access to digital financial services
· This is your chance to hear from key individuals involved in the process, who will summarise the overall findings and next steps for the telco and financial services sectors.
· A networking opportunity involving a diverse range of stakeholders and businesses involved in the delivery of DFS in emerging markets
Keynote Speaker: Sacha Polverini, Chairman of ITU’s Focus Group on Digital Financial Services and Senior Programme Officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Financial Services for the Poor Programme
Panellists include:
· Chris Low, CEO, Letshego
· Katerina Kyrili, Head of Business Development for Africa, BIMA
· Elliott Limb, Global Head of Corporate Banking, Misys
· Nathan Naidoo, Director of Policy & Advocacy for Mobile Money, GSMA
Moderator: Joy Macknight, Deputy Editor at The Banker
Next Steps & Concluding Comments: Carol Coye Benson, Managing Partner at Glenbrook Partners and Co-Chair of the ITU’s Working Group on DFS Ecosystem
For more info : Florence.Hugenholtz@fticonsulting.com