A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe – social and employment-related aspects of digitalisation for the European Chemical Industry
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Event Description
The digital sector affects every dimension of society and the economy. It offers immense opportunities for EU businesses and the EU employment market to prosper.
Fundamental transitions have been underway in the European chemical industry for the past decades and have considerably transformed the sector.
The European Chemical Employers Group, ECEG, and its social partner industriAll Europe included digitalisation in social partners’ joint work programme for 2016 and 2017. It foresees a joint assessment of the issue via case based studies from our national member associations.
Together with MEP Jutta Steinruck (S&D, rapporteur of the EMPL Committee on ‘Towards a Digital Single Market Act’ (2015/2147(INI)), ECEG will hold a conference on the social and employment-related aspects of digitalisation on Thursday, 25th of February, at the Diamant Building, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, room Darwin, Brussels.
Questions which organisers plan to tackle are:
· How is digitalisation reflected in existing legislation?
· Which policy measures could be added to existing legislation? Are there alternatives to the current pathway?
· How will workplaces look in future?
· How can social partners and other stakeholders anticipate change?
· How can we ensure competitiveness and job creation while guaranteeing comprehensive social protection, employment rights and sound working conditions?
Please find here the draft agenda: http://bit.ly/1V4kAdf
Please register for this event using the following link: http://www.eceg.org/Event_ECEG
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