Emerging Technology Tends and Innovation Processes for the Low Carbon Economy
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DG Climate Action has set up a new project which will assess the transnational interdependencies between innovation and market take-up policies for low carbon technologies through a series of case studies. The project will outline existing innovation systems for selected technologies and recommend practical measures for accelerating the technological progress through bi- and multi-lateral cooperation with the aim to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon economy.
A one-day workshop is being held on Tuesday 22 October 2013 with the aim of facilitating an exchange of information between the European Commission, UNFCCC, Member States, research and industry stakeholders to stimulate a dialogue about immediate steps and post-2020 strategy on climate action and innovation policy. This will also provide an opportunity to hear about and consider co-operation with the work of the UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) which is planned to be operational by the end of this year. Keynote speakers are:
- Piotr Tulej, Head of Unit, Low Carbon Technologies, DG Climate Action
- Mark Radka, Interim Director, UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN); Chief, Energy Branch, UN Environment Programme. The case studies being used as a vehicle for discussion are on innovation systems for:
- Efficient lighting systems, concentrating on light emitting diodes
- Smart local grids – three aspects o Smart meters o Independent energy communities o Decentralised energy storage, concentrating on flow batteries
- Transport - aspects of electric two wheelers If you would like to attend this workshop, please register on the website by Friday 11 October. The workshop is being held at the Royal Windsor Hotel, Grand Place, Brussels and lunch and refreshments will be provided. There is no cost to attend this event.
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