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End-of-Life Issues & Strategies Seminar


Thu, 11/04/2021 to Fri, 11/05/2021





Event Location


Event Description


Why should you attend EoLIS 2021?

The challenge of what to do with ageing wind farms gets bigger all the time.

14 GW of Europe’s existing wind farms are now over 20 years old. Another 38 GW will join them in the next 4 years – and another 78 GW by 2030. Most of these older wind farms get a lifetime extension for now, but that means many of the best sites continue to have the oldest (and least efficient) turbines. We need to start repowering far more; we’ve repowered less than 2 GW so far.

All this raises major questions:

What’s the right business model and legal framework for repowering? How do we dismantle and decommission old turbines? How do we deal with the blade waste? Are communities OK with bigger turbines? And if we’re opting for lifetime extension for now, how can we make the old turbines more efficient?

The annual WindEurope event on end-of-life strategies (EoLIS) will cover all these issues and try to identify best practices and solutions. And we’ll hear from those across the wind industry and Government who have good stories to tell.

Join us on 4-5 November in Brussels!

Events of the week


Sales Executive
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