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ERA: Corporate Governance for Banks in the Post-Crisis Environment


Thu, 04/26/2018 to Fri, 04/27/2018


Europäische Rechtsakademie (ERA)
Metzer Alee 4
54295  Trier

Event Description


The aim of this seminar is to analyse the impact of post-crisis regulation on banks’ long-term performance and the state of shareholders’ rights and to examine the possible barriers to sustainable banking and the link between supervision and banking governance. During the seminar long-term consequences on financial stability of the current BRRD and insolvency regimes will be explored.

Key Topics 

  • Achieving sustainable banking through shareholder empowerment
  • The New Shareholder Rights Directive
  • The impact on shareholders of the BRRD and insolvency mechanisms
  • Banks and supervisors: impact of infringing independence on banks’ long-term prospects
  • Directors’ duties to inform and recommend
  • Corporate governance within the larger network of financial regulation
  • Banking governance beyond the EU


Who should attend? 

Corporate governance and banking lawyers, shareholder associations, banking supervisors, practitioners from the banking industry.


Online registration and programme


Language: English

Organiser: Academy of European Law (ERA), Maria Todorof

Event number: 218D47



Hanne Birkmose, Professor of Law, Aarhus University*

Anna Gardella, Legal Expert, European Banking Authority, London*

Matteo Gargantini, Assistant to the Commissioner, Italian Companies and Exchange Commission (Consob), Rome

Katarzyna Koblinska-Hillard, Company Law Team, DG Justice, European Commission, Brussels

Maria Rosa Lastra, Professor, Queen Mary University of London*

Edmund Philipp Schuster, Assistant Professor of Law, London School of Economics; Counsel for the M&A team, Baker & McKenzie, Vienna

Steven L. Schwarcz, Stanley A. Star Professor of Law & Business,  Duke University; Founding Director of Duke’s Global Financial Markets Center, Durham, North Carolina*

Ignacio Tirado, Senior Legal Consultant, World Bank, Madrid

* to be confirmed

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