ERA: Summer Course on EU Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets
Event Description
Area of law: Banking and Financial Services Law level: Introductory
This summer course will provide an introduction to the regulation and supervision of financial markets in the European Union. Participants will learn about the main challenges faced and the approaches adopted by EU regulators and supervisors in the post-crisis environment.
Key topics
- Scope of financial market regulation in the European Union
- The European supervisory architecture (EBA, ESMA & EIOPA), the Single Supervisory Mechanism and the role of the ECB in the wake of the EU Commission review
- Crisis management for financial institutions in the EU: recovery and resolution for systemically relevant financial institutions, bank insolvency framework
- Overview of the relevant rules: MiFID II, MiFIR, CRD in the light of Basel III, PSD2, UCITS and AIFMD
- FinTech: risks and benefits to the financial market; effect on systemic stability
Who should attend? The course is aimed at legal practitioners seeking an introduction to the regulation and supervision of financial markets in the EU.
Apply for a scholarship: The German Bundesbank Mainz has generously offered to sponsor the participation of a number of legal practitioners.
- Information for applicants
- Application form (Please send it to Joanna Kuzaj)
Events of the week
EBA - European Biogas Association
Insurance Europe
Acumen Public Affairs
logos Public Affairs