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ERA: Summer Course on European Social Security Law


10 Sep 2018 to 14 Sep 2018





Event Description


The purpose of this course is to provide a thorough introduction to EU social security law. EU legislation and recent case law of the Court of Justice of the EU will be presented.

Key topics

  •  EU legal framework on social security law
  •  General principles of EU social security coordination
  •  Rules on determination of the legislation applicable
  •  Special provisions concerning the various categories of benefits (sickness benefits, invalidity and old-age pension, unemployment benefits, family benefits)
  •  Patient mobility and cross-border healthcare
  •  The proposed revision of the coordination rules

>> Further information and 
online registration

Social programme
After a day's intensive training, enjoy our varied social programme: the course dinner with fellow participants, wine-tasting in the Mosel vineyards and a tour of the historic city of Trier.

Language: English

Organiser: Academy of European Law (ERA), Leyre Maiso

Event number: 118B05



Gabriella Berki
University of Szeged

Rob Cornelissen
Guest Professor, Free University of Brussels (VUB)

Martin Meissnitzer*
Head of Office / European Representation, Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, Brussels

Filip Van Overmeiren
Senior Associate, LAGA Advocaten, Zaventem

Manfred Pöltl
Deputy Head of Division, Austrian Federal Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Vienna

Felix Schatz*
Legal Secretary, General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg

Grega Strban
Professor, University of Ljubljana

Ivana Vukorepa
Associate professor, University of Zagreb

* (subject to confirmation)



European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Service Engineer
A.I.S.E. aisbl
Communications Intern
Policy Officer
Airlines for Europe
Policy Traineeship
BEUC- the European Consumer Organisation
Administrative Assistant
Clean Air Task Force
Consultant – Germany Affairs