ERA: Summer Course on WTO and EU Trade Law
Event Description
This summer course will provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of the fundamentals of WTO and EU trade law as well as EU investment law. The course will focus on case-studies, applying instruments and concepts learned during the presentations to trade law practice.
Key topics
- Key features of substantive WTO law
- Concrete operation of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism
- The reform of EU trade defence instruments and the new EU methodology for dumping calculation: key features and novelties
- Implementing the new Union Customs Code: main changes and challenges
- Assessing key existing and forthcoming EU free trade agreements and the impact of the CJEU’s Opinion 2/15
- Dispute settlement: proposal for a new investment court system, proposal for a new FDI screening mechanism
- EU bilateral investment agreements
- Brexit and trade: key challenges and legal issues
>> Further information and
online registration
Language: English
Organiser: ERA (Dr Magdalena Kedzior)
Event number: 419B12
Renato Antonini, Partner, Jones Day, Brussels
Jikke Biermasz, Partner, Kneppelhout & Korthals, Rotterdam
Gyongyi David, Associate, Steptoe & Johnson, Brussels
Dylan Geraets, Trade & Customs Consultant, Mayer Brown Europe, Brussels
Anneli Howard, Barrister, Monckton Chambers, London*
Torsten Kühl, Lawyer, Ahlers & Vogel, Bremen
Yves Melin, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, Brussels
Eva Monard, Associate, Jones Day, Brussels
Krzysztof Pawłowski, Team Leader, DG Trade, European Commission, Brussels
María J. Pereyra, Senior Counsellor, Legal Affairs Division, World Trade Organization, Geneva*
Luca Prete, Legal Secretary, Chambers of Advocate General Bobek, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg*
Paulette Vander Schueren, Partner, Mayer Brown Europe, Brussels
Marijn Van Tuijl, Partner, Kneppelhout & Korthals, Rotterdam
* to be confirmed