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European Elections 2014: What next for Better Law-Making in Europe?


30 Jan 2014 12:00


European Parliament, Room ASP 5E2, Altiero Spinelli building, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels, Belgium

Event Location


Event Description

On 30 January, distinguished guests from the three EU institutions and recognised experts on regulatory reform have agreed to contribute their thinking and reflections to the event.

We are convinced that this event will be thought-provoking and provide some valuable and concrete recommendations for enhancing the EU policy-making process for the 2014-2019 term.

Ten years on from the EU’s Inter-Institutional Agreement on Better Law-Making - and with the current mandates of the European Commission and European Parliament approaching their end - the conference will take stock of if/how the EU policy-making process has improved over the last decade.

Events of the week