Date: Thursday 22 November 2012
17.30 - 18.00: registration
18.00 - 19.30: conference
19.30 - 21.30: reception

European Policy Response to Metastatic Breast Cancer
Event Location
Event Description
European Policy Response to Metastatic Breast Cancer
Tuesday 17th October 2017, 12.00-14.00 CET
European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels
Altiero Spinelli Building (ASP) - Room AE3
Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in women today, with a rising incidence worldwide. Metastatic breast cancer in particular is incurable, and is responsible for half a million premature deaths worldwide each year. Despite significant progress made during the last decade, there are still many areas in which further action is required.
In this context, a metastatic breast cancer policy roadmap has been developed by a multi-disciplinary working group of experts with a view to making practical and actionable recommendations to policymakers across Europe.
On October 17th, we will be discussing how to improve the policy response to metastatic breast cancer in Europe, focusing on the priorities identified in this policy roadmap. On behalf of the working group, I invite you to join us in this debate and engage with scientific, advocacy and policy experts in an effort to advance policy changes that will improve the lives of patients suffering from metastatic breast cancer.
Registration before 10 October 2017 is mandatory.
12h00 |
Welcome and introduction Ms. Karin Kadenbach, MEP S&D Group, Member of the ENVI Committee
Mr. Alberto Cirio, MEP EPP Group, Member of the ENVI Committee |
12h05 |
European Parliament perspective on metastatic breast cancer Ms. Adina VĀLEAN, Chairwoman of the ENVI Committee, European Parliament |
12h20 |
Differentiation between early breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer: a clinical perspective Dr. Fatima Cardoso MD, Director of the Breast Unit of the Champalimaud Clinical Center in Lisbon Video message |
12h30 |
European policy on metastatic breast cancer Ms. Luciana Neamțiu, Joint Research Centre European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer |
12h45 |
Living with metastatic breast cancer: a patient perspective Ms. Suzanne Leempoels |
13h05 | Advancing policy changes to improve the lives of patients with metastatic breast cancer: presenting the policy roadmap Prof. Nils Wilking MD PhD, Practicing medical oncologist, Professor at the Karolinska Institute and Senior Strategic Advisor for the Southern Health Care Region in Sweden |
13h20 |
Panel discussion and Q&A from the audience: what can be done to improve the lives of people with metastatic breast cancer? Ms. Renate Haidinger - Patient rights representative and founding chairwoman of the German breast cancer association Ms. Luciana Neamțiu, JRC Healthcare Quality and ECIBC Team Mr. François Ringeisen MD PhD, Medical Fellow/ International BU Medical Lead Breast Cancer, Eli Lilly & Company Ms. Emma Woodford, Chief Operating Officer for the European Oncology Nursing Society Moderated by: Ms. Karin Kadenbach, MEP S&D Group, Member of the ENVI Committee |
13h50 |
Closing comments Mr. Alberto Cirio, MEP EPP Group, Member of the ENVI Committee |
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