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#FOOD4THOUGHT SERIES Crimea and Donbas: the human rights situation on the ground


Wed, 06/24/2015 - 12:30


Martens Centre Conference Room
Rue due Commerce 20
1000  Brussels

Organiser type

NGOs / Think Tanks


Europe's East
Global Europe
Justice & Home Affairs

Event Location


Event Description

The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies cordially invites you to a new Food for Thought event entitled ‘Crimea and Donbas: the human rights situation on the ground’.
The event will take place in Martens Centre Conference room, Rue du Commerce 20 (1st Floor), 1000 Brussels on 24 June at 12:30.
In March last year, following a military occupation prepared well in advance, the Russian Federation annexed Crimea. Since then, the social and human rights situation has steadily worsened, to such an extent that even an OSCE delegation was threatened for their activities.
Despite the shaky cease-fire brokered in February by France and Germany, fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists continues in eastern Ukraine, further adding to the death toll of a conflict that has already claimed more than 6,000 lives. 
Very few independent journalists and human rights organisations have access to Crimea and Donbas, nor are they allowed to report on the real situation on the ground. 
In this event hosted by the Martens Centre, we will discuss, with a panel of experts and policy-makers, these and other significant social and humanitarian challenges facing Ukraine today.
To participate, please register here.
12:30-13:00    Sandwich Lunch
13:00-13:10    Introduction by Mikuláš Dzurinda, President, Martens Centre, former Prime Minister of Slovakia 
13:10-13:40    Panel Discussion: 
  • Andrej Plenkovic, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Committee; 
  • Maria Tomak, journalist-documentarist, Centre for Civil Liberties, Kyiv; 
  • Anton Naholyuk, Ukrainian activist
Discussion moderated by Roland Freudenstein, Deputy Director and Head of Research, Martens Centre 
13:40-14:30    Q&A

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