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Tue, 11/17/2020 - 16:00 to 18:00





Event Description

Languages: English, French and German

Manuel Bompard (La France Insoumise) and Cornelia Ernst (DIE LINKE) invite you to discuss hydrogen and the future of Europe’s energy system. 

The transition to renewables faces technical obstacles in the current fossil-based energy system, modelled on centralized ownership, and largely centralized generation, distribution and storage. Overcoming these obstacles requires a holistic view of a more decentralized energy system that incorporates other sectors such as building, industry and transport to overcome technical challenges and create synergies. A Renewable based energy system would require additional storage capacities, demand side flexibility and smart grids. Hydrogen is a key component in this holistic system as a storage medium for renewable energy and by linking it to other sectors such as industry and transport.

The transition to a new energy system offers opportunities and challenges. A new kind of integrated energy system based on renewables lends itself to a decentralized power production and ownership. This in turn, can empower energy communities, cooperatives, prosumers, and the re-municipalisation of energy services. However, large corporations are also interested in controlling the energy system of the future by preserving the status quo, not least by attempting to make natural gas an integral part of it, particularly by hijacking the European hydrogen strategy. Europe is at a crossroads that will determine who will control the future of energy. Will it belong to the fossil corporations or empower citizens and workers?


Welcome and Introduction

16:00 – 16:15

  • Cornelia Ernst, Member of the European Parliament (GUE/NGL)
  • Manuel Bombard, Member of the European Parliament (GUE/NGL)
  • Moderation Roland Kulke, transform! europe

1. Session: What colour is my hydrogen?

16:15 – 17:15

In the first session, we will explore the state of play of the hydrogen sector and its future pathways. Will the future of hydrogen be renewable electrolysis based (green hydrogen), or will the gas lobby succeed in promoting gasification (grey hydrogen), with the hope of one day storing CO2 in subterranean landfills through Carbon Capture and Storage technology (blue hydrogen). What can be a left progressive vision of hydrogen?

  • Manuel Bombard, Member of the European Parliament (GUE/NGL)
  • Shadow rapporteur of the European Parliament INI Report on Hydrogen
  • Jean-Claude Simon, „transform! europe, Energy Working Group
  • Mikael Hertoft, transform Denmark

2. Session: Whose energy system?

17:30- 18:30

The energy system will undergo substantial changes in the future and it will be important to pay attention to democratization of control, quality employment and benefits to citizens, especially low-income households. The trend towards decentralization of the energy system opens new opportunities for empowering citizens as part of energy communities, cooperatives and local communities. Decentralization also goes a long way in securing supply and making our energy system more resilient to climate change e.g. in the event of floods and other natural disasters. Can it also be inclusive and help fight energy poverty?

  • Cornelia Ernst, Member of the European Parliament (GUE/NGL)
  • Shadow rapporteur European Parliament INI Report Energy System Integration
  • Lausitzer Natur Energie e.G. – tbc
  • Molly Walsh, Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE)


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