oes the European Union remain committed, as it set out for itself in the Lisbon Treaty, to provide itself with a space policy that meets the ambitions and the challenges of the 21st century?
Here, There and Everywhere!
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Event Description
Tomasz Poręba, President of New Direction invites you to the launch of our latest trimestral magazine:
Here, There and Everywhere!
Subsidiarity - taking decisions as closely as possible to the people.
The winter edition of the New Direction Magazine, guest edited by Andrew Lewer MBE MEP raises the problem of the misinterpretation of a key principle of subsidiarity. This EU provision should be understood as a means to strengthening regional and local political power.
People are asking for more democracy, transparency and accountability in Europe. To that end, there is a need to ensuring the full implementation of subsidiarity. In light of the recent decisions taken by the European Commission to address this principle, this magazine calls for subsidiarity checks in order to ensure the EU is delivering for its citizens.
Wine will be provided.
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