Date: Thursday 22 November 2012
17.30 - 18.00: registration
18.00 - 19.30: conference
19.30 - 21.30: reception
Improving health outcomes for people with diabetes in Europe
Thu, 11/21/2019 - 08:00
European Parliament, Members Salon (ground floor)
Rue Wiertz 60
Health & Consumers
Event Location
Event Description
Agenda announced!
Nearly 1 in10 people (around 50 million) suffer from diabetes in Europe today and it is anticipated that the disease will affect more than 80 million people by 2045.
Type 2 diabetes will account for the majority of cases. The outlook for complications is bleak: blindness, amputation, cardiovascular events among others. Improving care for people with diabetes requires us to think differently. We cannot expect health systems designed to care for people with acute illnesses to meet the needs of large numbers of citizens living with long-term conditions such as diabetes. It’s time to reimagine how care is delivered. EFPIA examined how healthcare systems are tackling diabetes and have found more can be done.
To mark World Diabetes Day (14 November) we are inviting you to be more ambitious about the future of diabetes!
MEP Christel Schaldemose (DK, S&D) a renowned diabetes campaigner, is hosting a breakfast event in the European Parliament on 21 November to discuss how to strengthen European policies to the benefit of people with diabetes. During the event, speakers will present new policy recommendations and the panellists will engage in a lively discussion on how to address this growing epidemic.
Christel Schaldemose, MEP (S&D, DK)
Introduction: Improving outcomes for people with diabetes in Europe
Troels Vingtoft Rye-Andersen, Co-Chair EFPIA Diabetes Group, Novo Nordisk,
Milena Richter, Co-Chair EFPIA Diabetes Group, Sanofi
Panel discussion | Policies at EU and national level
Christel Schaldemose, MEP (S&D, DK)
Dirk Van den Steen, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG SANTE, Unit B1: Performance of national health systems
John Nolan, Acting Lead, European Diabetes Forum (in constitution)
Panel discussion | The role of data, disease self-management and primary care
Bastian Hauck, CEO, Dedoc Labs GmbH
Xavier Cos, Chairman, Primary Care Diabetes Europe
Anne-Marie Felton, President, Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes
Closing remarks
Christel Schaldemose, MEP (S&D, DK)
Practical information:
21 November 2019 from 8:00 – 10:00
Security check for participants without badges starts at 7:30
Members Salon (ground floor), European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60 – Brussels
Breakfast will be provided
We look forward to seeing you there!
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