Industry’s role in policymaking: Vested interest or critical partner?
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Event Description
Industry’s role in policymaking: Vested interest or critical partner?
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
We have the pleasure of inviting you to a debate on Industry’s role in policymaking. The event will see the launch of our report examining the Role of Industry in EU policymaking.
The notion that some industry sectors have an excessive influence over policymaking has gained currency in recent years and there is increasingly anti-corporate sentiments in some quarters. There is now a major focus on transparency in Brussels and the European Commission will be proposing a new inter-institutional agreement on the Transparency Register. This raises important questions for industry and other stakeholders involved in EU policymaking.
- Is industry a vested interest?
- What are the benefits or costs of industry participation?
- Can there be too much transparency and what effects can this have?
- What trends are we likely to see emerge when it comes to industry involvement and industry access to policymaking?
Join us as we share the outcomes of the research and look at these questions and more. We will announce the panelists at the beginning of October. The discussion will be followed by a cocktail reception.
We hope to see you there.
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