The beer industry plays a pivotal role in bolstering local European economies by driving economic growth and community development, with the longest production chain operating in the food and beverage industry.
Event Type
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Event Location
Event Description
Conference on Land Issues in Europe: from Land Grabbing to Land Reform
25th of June 2013, from 9h00 till 12h30, European Parliament ASP 1G2 - Brussels
Interpretation: EN ES FR PT DE
- 9h00 - 9h20: Welcome and Introductio
- Welcome : Gabi Zimmer President GUE/NGL (Germany)
- Introduction : Javier Sanchez, Member of the ECVC Coordination Committee
- 9h20-10h30: 1st Panel – Access to Land, land concentration and land grabbing
- Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, Professor at Wageningen University in the Netherlands - Presentation of the Land Grabbing Report
- Willy Schuster, Ecoruralis, Romanian national case study
- Eva García Sempere, Coordinator of the Spatial Planning and Environment Unit of IU-Andalusia : "Land Grabbing in Andalusia (Spain): Preparation of the Land Public Bank project"
Moderator: Willy Meyer, GUE/NGL MEP (Spain)
- 10h30 – 11h00: Press Conference/ Coffee break.
- 11h00 – 12h10: 2nd Panel - Are the EU and national policies favoring equal access to land and the entry into farming by prospective (young and small) farmers?
- Tassos Haniotis, Director - European Commission, DG Agriculture - Economic analysis, perspectives and evaluations.
- Patrick Le HYARIC, MEP GUE/NGL (France)
- Antonio Onorati, ARI and President of Crocevia - Proposal for a EU Directive on Lands
- Andrea Ferrante, Member of the ECVC Coordination Committee
Moderator: Geneviève Savigny, Member of the ECVC Coordination Committee
- 12h10-12h30: Debate and conclusions by Joao Ferreira, MEP GUE/NGL (Portugal)
For futher information: + 32 2 284 7557
press contact: Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628
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