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mYouth and mEducation: Mobilising technology to enhance education, youth employment and competitiveness


Tue, 05/28/2013 - 22:00


GSMA EuropePark View, 4th Floor, Chaussée d’Etterbeek 1801040

Event Type

M - Seminar, presentation


EU Priorities 2020
Innovation & Enterprise
Social Europe & Jobs

Event Location


Event Description

Education and training are fundamental to strengthening Europe's industrial competitiveness, creating employment opportunities, and achieving the goals of the EU 2020 strategy. As mobile technologies play a unique role in the lives of today’s young people, there is potential for mobile technologies to contribute far more in the areas of education and training. The ICT industry also has the potential to provide significant support to the European Commission employment goals by attracting skilled youth to the ICT sector, and by fostering entrepreneurial opportunities for young people.

GSMA, the trade association representing nearly 800 mobile operators and over 200 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, would like to invite you to a forum on mYouth and mEducation from 14:30 till 16:30 on Wednesday, May 29th 2013 in the GSMA Europe offices. At this seminar, speakers from a variety of mEducation and mYouth initiatives will aim to showcase the contribution mobile can make to realising the vision of Rethinking education and EU 2020 and to discuss how mobile technologies can help improve education, youth employment and competitiveness.

The session will be moderated by Mark Smith, GSMA, and will feature discussion on the following topics:

- Mark West, UNESCO, will present their recently launched Policy Guidelines for Mobile Learning;

- Jason Bates, Freeformers, will outline new and innovative ways in which business is helping young people to learn new tech skills, create apps and equip themselves with digital skills outside of the classroom;

- Graham Brown Martin, Education Design Labs, will debate transforming education with mobile technology; - Janice Richardson, European Schoolnet, will focus on the work done to promote safe and effective use of technology by children and young people;

- Giovanna Chiozzi, Telecom Italia, will provide an example of how cloud based services accessed via mobile devices is being used to facilitate innovative collaborative learning in schools;

- Paul Cording, Vodafone, will provide mobile operator examples mYouth-focused initiatives and activities to encourage safer mobile use by children. Following the event close there will be an informal networking session in the reception area, with drinks and canapés provided.

Registration This event is free of charge to attend. Please RSVP at to register latest by May 22nd, 2013. Limited spaces available so please confirm as soon as possible if you wish to attend.



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