of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.

Open and connected learning


Thu, 10/17/2013 - 10:00


Boulevard Charlemagne 1
1040  Brussels

Event Type

S - Workshop, course


Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

While the digital revolution has led to an increase in educational resources via the Internet, European education systems are still unable to integrate ICT in their mainstream practices.

A Commission initiative titled ‘Opening up Education’ aims at enhancing education and skills development through new technologies.

  • How can a coherent infrastructure and use of ICT in schools be achieved across Member States?
  • What are the main reasons for not fully exploiting new digital resources such as ‘Open Educational Resources’ or ‘Massive Open Online Courses’? How can these initiatives impact European innovation?
  • What role does industry play in integrating digital technologies in education and training?
  • What are the steps the EU should take to modernize learning, teaching and assessment practices through digital technologies?

Invited contributors include:

  • Ana Carla PEREIRA, Head of Unit - Skills and qualifications strategies; Multilingualism policy, DG EAC
  • Doris PACK, MEP
  • Marco MARSELLA, Deputy HoU Inclusion, Skills and Youth, DG CNECT
  • Danny ARATI, Education Manager Europe, Intel Corporation
  • Andrea KÁRPÁTI, UNESCO Chairholder for Multimedia in Education, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Hungary


Frédéric Simon, Editor,

More details about this event can be found in the attached event programme.

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