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PES preparation meeting before informal European summit Friday 23 February


Thu, 02/22/2018 - 23:00


PES headquarters
Rue Guimard 10-12
1000  Brussels


Public Affairs

Event Location


Event Description

The Party of European Socialists will hold a preparatory meeting of progressive heads of government in Brussels on Friday 23 February to discuss common positions in advance of the informal EU summit later that day.

REGISTER HERE (read the notes below before you register)


PES headquarters, Rue Guimard 10-12, 1000 Brussels. View map


07:30 Arrival of participants
07:45 Start of the meeting
08:45 End of the meeting

Special notes

  • Please note the change of venue for this meeting.
  • Space is limited. You are welcome to attend, but please do not register if you do not intend to attend.
  • Access to the venue is restricted for technical and security reasons. All journalists will be required to show press credentials before entering the building.
  • Due to venue limitations, it will not be possible to allow media access to the meeting room on this occasion. There will be 'doorstepping' only.


  • Sergei Stanishev, president of PES
  • Paolo Gentiloni, prime minister of Italy
  • Stefan Löfven, prime minister of Sweden
  • Joseph Muscat, prime minister of Malta
  • Alexis Tsipras, prime minister of Greece (observer) (tbc)
  • Fofi Gennimata, leader of PASOK, Greece
  • Udo Bullman MEP, acting president of the S&D group
  • Federica Mogherini, EU high representative for foreign & security policy (tbc)
  • Frans Timmermans, first vice-president of the European Commission
  • Maroš Šefčovič, Euopean Commissioner (tbc)
  • Karl-Heinz Lambertz, president of the European Committee of the Regions


For more information, please contact Toby Wardman, +32 491 86 97 48 

Events of the week