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Power to the People: Can citizens lead Europe's future energy strategy?


19 Jun 2012 07:00

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations



Event Location


Event Description

As people increasingly question whether our traditional model of centralised energy supply is still the best solution for Europe, we host a debate to explore just how different the future may look.
Bringing together two diverse panels of experts and key actors in the renewable energy field, we will explore whether an emerging decentralised energy supply has a role to play in creating a more sustainable energy policy for Europe.
In this joint event, three European co-operative organisations (Cooperatives Europe, Euro Coop and Cecodhas Housing Europe) will present the case that by placing people at the heart of our thinking, we can encourage collaboration, responsibility and action. Where community projects, local co-operatives and resource sharing increasingly co-exist alongside our national infrastructures, we will debate whether citizens have the potential to lead Europe’s future energy strategy.

Events of the week


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