The Digital Revolution has changed profoundly the nature of work. New digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchains, virtual and augmented reality, Internet of Things and HR analytics have been instrumental in developing new ways of working an

Public Services Summit: Join the debate on 28/06/2017
Event Location
Event Description
28 June 2017 - SQUARE, in Brussels
Confirmed high-level speakers at the PSS:
Donald Tusk, President of the European Council
Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commission Vice-President
Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner
Maria João Rodrigues, MEP, Rapporteur on the EU Pillar of Social Rights
More on
CEEP will hold on 28th June its 2017 Public Services Summit (in The SQUARE, in Brussels). For this third edition, the PSS will be an opportunity to further discuss and exchange on the Future of Europe and of public services, and to assess the state of play of social dialogue, the provision and of services of general interest, democracy and the accountability of EU decision-makers.
Introduction by Katherina REICHE, CEEP President
Future of Europe: the big picture, discussion with Donald TUSK, president of the European Council
Coffee break
Towards Future-Proof Public Services?
- Anna WIDEGREN, Secretary General, European Youth Forum
- Jurgen KLEINKNECHT, New Media Editorial Department, ZDF
- Cedric VAN STYVENDAEL, Housing Europe (TBC)
Lunch break
Future of Social Europe, Future of Social Dialogue
- Marianne THYSSEN, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, European Commission
- Maria Joâo RODRIGUES, European Parliament Rapporteur on the EU Pillar of Social Rights
- Irene WENNEMO,State Secretary to Minister for Employment and Integration, Swedish Government
- Rudy DE LEEUW, President, ETUC
Future of Jobs and Growth
- Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Vice-president for Social Dialogue and the Euro, European Commission
- Wilhem MOLTERER, Managing Director EFSI
- Roberto GUALTIERI, Chair of the ECON committee, European Parliament (TBC)
- Mariana MAZZUCATO, Economist, University of Sussex (TBC)
Future of Europe, Future of Democracy
- Klaus WELLE, Secretary-General, European Parliament
- Petros FASSOULAS, General Secretary, European Movement International
Luca JAHIER, President, EESC Group III
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