Date: Thursday 22 November 2012
17.30 - 18.00: registration
18.00 - 19.30: conference
19.30 - 21.30: reception

Seminar: Trends in European Healthcare Policy
Mon, 11/06/2017 - 14:00
Cercle de Lorraine
Place Poelaert 6
1000 Brussels
Health & Consumers
Event Location
Event Description
Welcome to Rud Pedersen’s Fourth Healthcare Seminar, focusing on trends in European Healthcare Policy.
Cercle de Lorraine, Brussels 6 November 2017, 14:00-16:30
Today, valuebased healthcare is a strong trend in the European market, and at the same time, different constellations of EU countries are forming clusters for joint procurement of medicines to drive down prices as much as possible - including the Nordic Countries.
The Nordic markets are setting trends by moving towards more centralisation and increased focus on pricing according to value of new products, and the combined markets together with the Baltic countries, can be one of the largest markets in Europe. What effects will a joint procurement cluster give, and how does this align with the intention to price according to value?
At the same time, three of the Nordic countries are competing to get to host EMA following Brexit.
How are these trends, the cooperation and competition, affecting the Life Science industries (e.g. the pharmaceutical industry and the medical device industry) - and what can we learn from the Nordic markets?
Key note speaker – Christina Åkerman, President, ICHOM
Dr. Christina Rångemark Åkerman is President of International Consortium for Health Outcome Measurement (ICHOM) and Senior Institute Associate at the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness (ISC) at Harvard Business School. She was also a Member of the Board of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Panel – What is the Future for the Health Policy in the EU System?
- Christofer Fjellner, MEP and Rapporteur of the Information to Patients part of the Pharmaceutical Package in 2009
- Jorge Pinto, Deputy Head of Unit, DG SANTE, European Commission
- Thomas Allvin, Director Strategy and Healthcare Systems, EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
- Tanja Valentin, Director Public Affairs, MedTech Europe
Putting a price on value? - Trends from the Nordic countries
Rud Pedersen’s experts will share their insights from the Nordic markets and how it can affect the European market in general.
Date: 6 November
Time: 14:00-16:30
Venue: Cercle de Lorraine - 6, Place Poelaert, 1000 Brussels
13:30 Light lunch and Registration
14:00 Welcome and Introduction to the Political Business Environment – Trends and possibilities in Europe and the Nordics - Torsten Lindström, Senior Vice President and European Healthcare Director, Rud Pedersen Group
14:15 Key Note Speech: The Role of Valuebased Healthcare in Today’s Health Policy - Dr Christina Åkerman, President, International Consortium for Health Outcome Measurement
15:00 Panel – What is the Future for Health Policy in the EU System? - Christofer Fjellner, MEP (EPP Group); Jorge Pinto, DG SANTE, European Commission; Thomas Allvin, EFPIA; Tanja Valentin, MedTech Europe
16:00 Putting a Price on Value – what can we learn from the Nordic markets? - Update on trends and news from the Nordic markets.
16:20 Closing statement - Torsten Lindström
16:30 Refreshments
Please register via email to Heiko Kolf,, no later than 25 October. Keep in mind that places are limited.
The seminar is free of charge.
Any questions can be directed to
Torsten Lindström, Senior Vice President and European Healthcare Director, Rud Pedersen Group
+46 72 700 87 07,
Ingrid Haglund, European Public Affairs Manager
+46 709 21 63 89,
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