Smart Metering implementation in Europe: are we on track?
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InvitationSmart Metering implementation in Europe: are we on track?
High-level Policy Conference co-organised by
the European Smart Metering Industry Group & the European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 (14:30-18:30)
Rue de la Loi 170, Charlemagne building
Room: Mansholt – Brussels, Belgium
Smart metering is clearly matched to the EU’s ambitious 20-20-20 goals, and therefore to the EUSEW goals: the achievement of the 20-20-20 goals depend on the reconfiguration of the European electricity grid into a “smart grid” and also on the change of the consumer behaviour.
Smart metering combined with direct consumer feedback has been shown to increase energy efficiency by 5-15%, and in some cases even up to 20%, which demonstrates the importance of smart metering as an enabler of energy efficiency and energy savings.
Within this context, the HLPC will focus on the status of implementation of smart metering in Europe. The conference will be driven by the Meter-ON project, which is a coordination and support action financed by the Seventh European Framework Program (FP7). The project aims at steering the implementation of smart metering solutions in Europe by effectively collecting the most successful experiences in the field, and highlighting the conditions that enabled their development. On the basis of the lessons learned, Meter-ON will provide to any involved stakeholder an open information platform with clear recommendations on how to tackle the technical barriers and the regulatory obstacles endangering the uptake of smart metering solutions in Europe.
Shall you wish to attend our conference, we kindly ask you to register before 19 June by following this link: http://goo.gl/sIZSI
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