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‘Together at Work’ Campaign for more collective bargaining in Europe
Thu, 09/26/2019 - 10:00 to 12:30
Renaissance Brussels Hotel
Rue du Parnasse 19
1050 Brussels
Social Europe & Jobs
Event Location
Event Description
The power of collective bargaining to regulate labour markets and to ensure a more equal income distribution has long been proven in Europe. It is an essential element of a social market economy. It secures fair wages and prevents the most vulnerable from falling into precariousness and poverty. Today, many European countries need to strengthen their collective bargaining systems in order to make sure that a large majority of workers will (again) enjoy the protection of agreements.
Our campaign comes at a right moment, as there is growing recognition in the new European institutions of the value of collective bargaining. With the campaign and particularly at this first event, we aim to seize this opportunity and to discuss with policymakers and other stakeholders about the benefits of collective bargaining for all.
The launch event will bring together national affiliates, MEPs, representatives from employers’ associations, the European Commission, the European Social and Economic Council and the Finish Presidency to the European Council.
Please register for the event at: Patricia.Velicu@industriall-
Darft Program
Draft Program: Launch event of the ‘Together at Work’ Campaign for more collective bargaining in Europe
26th September 2019, 10:00 – 12:30
Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19 | 1050 Brussels | Belgium
Interpretation in English, German, French
10:00 ‘Together at Work’ Campaign Video
10:10 Welcome speech by Luc Triangle (General Secretary industriAll Europe)
10:15 1st Panel: ‘The benefits of collective bargaining for workers’ chaired by Oliver Röpke, Chair Workers’ Group, European Economic and Social Council
Federico Parrinello (worker at AGC Glass, Seneffe, FGTB, Belgium)
Florin Bercea (President FSLI Petrom, Romania)
Darko Davidovic (IF Metall, Sweden)
Evelyn Regner (MEP, S&D, Austria)
Open debate with the intervention of:
Domènec Ruiz Devesa (MEP, S&D, Spain)
Marc Botenga (MEP, GUE/NGL, Belgium)
Alicia Ginel Homs (MEP, S&D, Spain)
11:15 Video women workers in the textile sector in Romania (TBC)
11:18 2nd Panel: ‘The benefits of collective bargaining for the economy and the society’ chaired by Manfred Anderle, PRO GE, Austria
Per Hilmersson (Deputy General Secretary ETUC)
Uwe Combüchen, (Director General, Ceemet European Tech & Industry Employers)
Barbara Kauffmann (Director DG EMPL A, Employment & Social governance)
Jenni Karjalainen, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment Finland
Open debate with the intervention of:
Estrella Ferrandis Dura (MEP, S&D, Spain)
Dennis Radtke (MEP, EPP, Germany) TBC
12:20 Conclusion by MEP Gabrielle Bischoff (S&D, Germany)
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