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Top renewable energy CEOs debate Europe's energy future


12 Feb 2014 09:30 to 11:00


Hotel Silken Berlaymont
Boulevard du Charlemagne 11-19
1000  Brussels



Event Description

2030 EuropeBusiness press conference

Journalists are invited to join a debate with Europe's leading renewable
energy companies on the future of Europe's energy policies. Should
Europeans continue to support renewable energy? Is there a trade off
between clean energy and competitiveness, or is this a false debate? Who
benefits from weaker climate and energy goals - and will they bring down
our energy bills?

The CEOs of Acciona Energia, Alstom, Enercon, ERG Renew, RES and Vestas -
companies that represent hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of
euros of investment - will be coming to Brussels on 12 February to call
for a strong 2030 climate and energy framework with an ambitious renewable
energy target including binding country targets.

They are part of a group of 91 companies and organisations which have
signed a business statement calling for such a framework and targets:

The open discussion on Europe's energy future will take place at the Hotel
Silken Berlaymont on 12 February at 10:30.

More information:

Follow the press conference live on:

To register for the EuropeBusiness press conference or for any questions,
please contact:
Sarah Azau, EWEA
Tel: +32 2 213 18 38

Events of the week


EUI - European University Institute
Coordinator of the Academy of European Law
Eurosif - The European Sustainable Investment Forum
(Senior) Policy Adviser
Sealed Air Belgium N.V.
Government Affairs Senior Manager
Save the Children
Consultancy ToR
CCAM Association
Office Assistant
SolarPower Europe
Senior Policy Advisor
SAFE Safe Food Advocacy Europe A.S.B.L.
EU Projects & Policy Officer
LRE Foundation
Communications Trainee