Ultra-fast charging: How to deploy infrastructure networks across Europe
Event Description
On 28th May at 15:15 (CET) we will have a dedicated e-mobility session, the next installment in the eVision series, on how best to deploy the latest charging infrastructure across Europe. The discussion will be moderated by Transport & Environment’s Senior Director, Julia Poliscanova, and joining her on the panel will be MEP Ismail Ertug and Elena Rodríguez, Head of E-mobility at Ormazabal, session sponsor, as well as speakers from the charging industry and utilities. Join this session to learn more about:
- The prospects of major charging hubs across the TEN-T network
- The business case for operating megawatts of charging capacity
- What’s in it for the medium and high voltage electricity networks?
Events of the week
Acumen Public Affairs
ECETOC aisbl
EBA - European Biogas Association
PES - Party of European Socialists