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Unleashing entrepreneurial potential in Europe
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UEAPME and ACCA invite you to
Unleashing entrepreneurial potential in Europe
22 January 2013
UEAPME conference room , rue Jacques de Lalaing , 4, 1040 Brussels
As we emerge from one of the most severe economic crises of the last century, its effects continue to be profoundly felt within society. It is clear that the balance of the economy must change.
New companies represent the most important source of new jobs - creating 4.1 million new jobs every year in Europe- and, as demonstrated in a study recently published by ACCA, high growth oriented entrepreneurs ( or GOEs ) in both developing and developed economies have a key role to play in driving economic growth.
Europe thus needs more entrepreneurs and must build a new economy that seeks entrepreneurial solutions to our major challenges. However, the EU lags behind its competitors in entrepreneurial attitudes. Yet whilst only 11% of European citizens are entrepreneurs, 45% aspire to be their own boss. To unlock this enormous potential for jobs and growth, the European Commission has launched a consultation in the view to publish a European Entrepreneurship Action Plan by the end of 2012 to boost entrepreneurship at all levels, including namely second chance, improving access to finance and entrepreneurial education and training.
It is indeed crucial to assess where the entrepreneurial potential can be unleashed and to develop the right frameworks to reward innovation. We must place entrepreneurship at the forefront of our future productive EU economy, while providing the right incentives for individuals, organisations and investors. UEAPME and ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) are therefore happy to invite you to a roundtable aiming to discuss and exchanges best practices on how to identify and remove key obstacles to entrepreneurial activities, support entrepreneurs in starting up businesses and help them to face challenges.
RSVP by 15 January to cecile.bonino@accaglobal.com
17.45h Registration
18.00h Welcome speech by the Chair, Malcolm Harbour, MEP
18.10h Roundtable
- Massimo Baldinato, Cabinet of Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship
- Nele Muys, Counsellor on Education and Training, Unizo
- Rosana Mirkovic, Head of SME policy, ACCA
- Mark Lange, Microsoft
- Luc Hendrickx, Director Enterprise Policy and External Relations, UEAPME
19.25h Concluding remarks by Malcolm Harbour, MEP
19.35h Cocktail reception
Cecile Bonino
Public Affairs and Media Relations Manager-EU
CBI business house
14 rue de la Science
BE-1040 Brussels
Tel:+32 (0) 2 286 11 37
Mob: +44 (0) 7809595008
Addressing the challenges of the global economy - learn more at www.accaglobal.com/economy
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