FEAD is bringing together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to explore how the EU institutions can enhance Member States’ performance in achieving circular economy targ
Unlocking The Future of Payments
Event Location
Event Description
Unlocking The Future of Payments
Hosted by PayPal
Finding the Right Balance Between Future-Proof Regulation, Convenience and Security in the 21st Century Payment Space
Innovative technologies are shaping the way we will pay in the future and are a driving force behind economic growth.
Whilst the payment space is becoming increasingly interconnected, innovative and technologically advanced, security is key.
How can emerging technologies provide the tools to fight against cybercrime? How should the regulatory framework evolve to ensure growth, customer convenience and security in the payment space for years to come? What are the expectations of users, merchants and payment providers?
Join us to hear from high-level regulatory, payment services and cyber security experts and share your ideas.
Panel discussions will be followed by a cocktail reception.
To know more, please visit www.ebaymainstreet.com/unlocking-future-payments
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